Chapter 25: Into The Woods Part. 2

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This is not even dark parables anymore XD

The two sat down at the bright green grass with their backs pressed on the huge maple tree, it's leaves are only starting to grow. The sun rays lightly hitting their skin, warming the both of them.

Snow gently rested her head on his shoulder which startled him, he turned his head to the right.

He smiled from the affection as he buried his nose on top of her head. They stayed in that position for several minutes, enjoying each other's company in a tranquil environment.

Snow lifted her head up to face her partner, intertwining their hands together.

"So, what's our plan?" Snow asked, a smile formed to her face.

Bigby thought for a while, remembering what he has in store for her.

"Well, we won't know what's it like in the future but one thing is for sure, we're going to stick together and raise our child the way we want it to." He replied which made her comfortable.

"I think I can walk now without that walking stick." Snow grinned as she let go of his hand and slowly rose to her feet.

"See?" She took one step with her left foot, trying to balance herself. Bigby smiled that she healed that fast, an advantage of being popular to the mundies.

Snow spinned around, her floral dress flowing in the direction of the wind and her deep raven locks are swaying. Her happiness is evident as if she is like a little child who's life has just begun.

"I've never seen you this joyful, Snow." Bigby admired as he stood up and sauntered towards her.

"We should play something." Snow cheered enthusiastically which made Bigby surprised. She had changed and he adored that side of her; being carefree for once.

"I don't know any game, besides that's for children." Bigby chuckled in bewilderment.

Snow leaned in and whispered to his ear, "Catch me." With that, she started to run towards the deep forest whilst Bigby still stayed there, still amused by what she is becoming.

He decided to give her some time since he knew where she is because of her scent.

Bigby started to walk into the deep forest, making a bee line towards her intoxicating scent. He walked over the chunks of dried leaves and twigs as he smelled her scent, getting closer to him.

Bigby placed his hand in his pocket and looked at the sky, it's about to get dark soon. Out of the blue, he saw her with her back facing him.

Bigby grinned, slowly walking towards her. In an instant, a twig snapped from behind that made Snow turn around. She laughed from the failed attempt and started to run to the woods again.

Bigby chuckled at himself, realizing how childish they both became. He started to dash towards her as Snow ran even faster than before.

"I'm going to catch you Snow!" He exclaimed as he continuted to run after her.

He picked up his speed that he saw Snow just a few metres ahead. His speed increased as he is only a few centimeters behind her. She turned around to her surprise.

In a swift move, he wrapped his arms around her waist and gently lifted her, her feet dangling. Snow looked at him, smiling. She kissed the tip of his nose and their eyes stared at each other.

"I got you." Bigby chuckled which made her giggle.

Bigby then realized that the night had dominated the sky so he gently placed her on her feet.

"Well, I guess we should head back now." He suggested and Snow nodded in agreement.

The couple walked back, side by side with their hands intertwined.

The only sound to the forest were the sound of crickets and the rustling of leaves of the trees from the wind. Not long enough, they had reached the camp site.

"I'll start the fire." Bigby spoke as he went back to the forest to gather some woods. Snow then walked towards their bag and took out the food that she prepared for the journey.

She took out a bottle of whiskey which Bigby had placed inside without her permission.

She shrugged and started to unpack. They had brought a steak for dinner with a few side dishes and a bag of marshmallows for their snack.

Bigby came back with a few woods in his arms as he placed to the soil. He took out a scrap of paper and ignited it with his lighter. He then threw it to the few woods as it started to burn.

"This will keep us warm." Bigby smiled as he sat down in front of the burning fire, followed by Snow, sitting down beside him. Snow handed him a paper plate with the steak and steamed vegetables.

The two started to savouring the meal that Snow had cooked, she then turned to face Bigby who is enjoying the food. She giggled at him as he almost finished it, he then turned to face her with a smirk on his face.

"It's a compliment, Snow." He replied, smiling sheepishly at her, finishing the last piece. Well, when was the last time did he actually ate? He was always worn out from the tiring work. Snow then picked up the paper plates and placed it inside a disposable plastic bag.

"How about some marshmallows? It's the favorite snack of the mundies." Snow asked as she brought out two metal skewers and the pack of white marshmallows. She gave one to Bigby as the two of them poked one piece of marshmallow.

Snow extended her arm, the heating up the marshmallow to the leaping flames with. They both roasted the marshmallow until it slightly caramelized into a nice golden brown color.

"Look at that, they doubled in size!" Snow cheered, glancing at the marshmallows as she pulled it away from the flames, letting it cool down. Bigby was about to take a bite when Snow grabbed his wrist.

"How about I feed you and then you feed me?" Snow smirked at him which made Bigby let out a guffaw.

"You know what Snow? You've been surprising me a lot lately, I've never seen you like this one before." Bigby spoke as he extended his arm and fed Snow the marshmallow he toasted whilst Snow fed him with hers.

"So, is that a bad thing?" Snow asked, feeling the marshmallow melt in her tongue.

"I love it when you're affectionate." Bigby smirked.

IDK ANYMORE OK! I think I should end this book soon, what ya'll think?

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