Chapter 18: The Fight Finale Part. 3

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-Bigby's POV-

I pushed myself to stand up. All the mirrors bursted and shattered as I shut my eyes tight due to the blinding light. Now, she is trapped with the broken pieces. She won't be able to murder mundies again.

My surroundings changed and found myself to where I was before, inside the underground. He better stop fucking around with me, I'm gonna fucking cut his hand off! I searched and saw a few doors to each rooms which I don't know what the hell is inside. The lair is capacious.

I groaned from the pain as I remembered the stab at my legs which is aimed at my thigh and calf. I hold the remaining shard from my flesh and abruptly pulled it out of my thigh, my blood oozed from the stab. Fuck it!

Trudging towards to the door closest to me, I pushed the door open and saw the fucker.

I became emotionless as fury blinded me, walking towards the hideous man and gripped his throat.

"How did you?" Baron asked, his eyes in disbelief as if his sight is deceitful. My grip got tighter in every second. He struggled to move his body but the pain coming from his neck made it hopeless.

His veins showed, his eyes widening and his pulse getting faster and faster.

"This.Is.Your.End!" I spoke as I became a werewolf, my eyes are bloodshot red and my shirt ripped as my size grew.

The grip got tighter until it crushed his neck as the bone snapped, the blood splurting from the decapitated body. I held onto its head and threw it at the floor. I looked at it without a slight pinch of guilt as my barbarity is manifested.

I turned around to see Cindy with her eyes wide open. I ambled towards the door and walked past her, I don't give a fuck. I don't even give two shits if the rest of the Fabletown despise me. Heck, I've always been the bad guy even if I control myself. They will always find a way to throw loads of shits on me and still not good enough.

"Is this what Snow wants or the whole community?" She yelled behind me as I continued walking to find where Snow is, remembering what Baron said that she is in good hands.

"You're going to have a hard time explaining this to the community and especially Snow! You're supposed to keep justice in your hands!" She continued to rant that made me turn around.

"What the fuck would you do then? Just cuff them up and lock them? You do realize they use black magic and that they would manage to escape in every possible way!" I shouted as my eyes pierced hers. My breathing becoming heavier and heavier from the rage. Though, I changed back to my human form but my shirt is ripped, leaving me with my trousers.

"You should have kept everything under control! Just because someone pushed your buttons doesn't mean you have to kill them! Anyways, it was your decision to have dirt on your hands. Just help me with the tweedles and Jersey and then find Snow to call it a night or day." Cindy trailed off as she walked to a door.

I followed her and saw the tweedles and jersey unconscious. I'm surprised by her doings, she actually never finished them off.

"Well, I have only two handcuffs, it's not like I arrest too many in a day." I said as I walked towards Dum and cuffed his one hand and the other to his brother, Dee. Well, that's just convenient. Then, I walked to Jersey who just woke up and grunted.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" The cryptid spoke as his eyes landed on me.

"You should still be asleep, maybe she didn't beat you up enough after all." In a split second, I pulled my arm back, clenching my fist and threw it forward with a force that knocked him out.

Now, he won't be able to wake up for a day or two. I grabbed his wrist and cuffed it to the pole next to him.

"I believe you're done now." She spoke and put her sword back in the scabbard. Cindy learned how to defense herself from Bluebeard who teaches about this kind of stuff.

We went outside and walked towards to another gate, but smaller than the entrance. She pushed it open as we entered the darkness again.

The path was narrow and the walls are different from the main room. The walls aren't made from cement but skulls. Human skulls. It's like a catacomb. Just what the fuck is this?

"Clearly my killings are justified now." I spoke as I continued to follow her.

"It still isn't, no matter how you compare with the others. Everyone is still responsible." She muttered.

After that, we continued to stay quiet and the surroundings were filled with dead silence. We have met the end of the passage and noticed that we are stepping on water.

"Just keep moving." I commanded as she walked again. Damn this place! This is where these psychos and sadists actually live.

We kept walking and found a door again as I turned to her and nodded. I opened the door and was met by the illumination from the countless candles laying at both corners of the floor.

I looked up and saw a pale man with a black cloak draped on its back, sitting on a gothic chair.

"Who the fuck are you!" I yelled as he stared at me intently, seeming amused.

"Crooked man was a very big asset to me, I let him do the business to feed themselves, even though it's seen at the dark side, which I meant all of you- including the other fables. They ask for what they need and so we give." He spoke, his voice sounding demonic.

"So you're the one who is responsible for all this shit! Why!" I growled, but he still managed to keep his composure.

"I love the sinners, and whoever comes to me without his hand dirty is a notorious liar. I welcome them, as for crave as you are thirsty for killing." He spoke, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Cut the fucking crap! Who the fuck are you!" My voice much louder than the previous one as my claws started to grow.

"Let's presence carries out in different various panels of folklore. They call me the Bogeyman, the Dullahan, the Burned Man, the Lake Man and it's just too many." He paused and continued.

"I have many names."


Who's this guy? :)
Hint: Comic Fables

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