Chapter 24: Into The Woods Part. 1

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-evil laugh-

Another one for you haskis :3

-Snow's Apartment-

The door closed as the sheriff left the apartment, leaving Snow thinking about what will happen for the awaiting day.

She smiled to herself before tucking herself in the soft covers and calling it a night. She closed her eyes and all she sees is Bigby, making it hard for her to doze off to sleep.

It's as though the absence of his presence fully sinks in, almost impossible to handle it even if it is only for a short amount of time.

Snow shook her head and blocked out the images for she will see him again tomorrow. She caressed her stomach, knowing that there is a living thing that is a result from the love they shared with each other.

"I never regret it." Was all she could say before going into a peaceful slumber.

-Meanwhile in Bigby's Apartment-

He stopped outside the front door which is surprisingly replaced with a new one since he destroyed it when he was angry. He twisted the knob and let himself in, kicking the door behind.

The smallest apartment left numerous moments, both bad and good. The floor is already washed and cleaned by Flycatcher which was recently stained by Colin's blood.

They have already buried him and commenced a formal funeral while Bigby was in the hospital. He wished that it never happened but, it did.

"I wish you're here buddy so that you can listen to the good news." He lamented, shaking his head.

Bigby sauntered to the kitchen to crack a window. To his surprise, the season has already altered to Spring. He is grateful that it wasn't winter anymore since it always gets to his nerves due to the bitter cold.

Walking towards the fridge, he opened it and took out one bourbon before ambling to his one and only blue arm chair. He plopped down and relaxed for a few seconds. Finally having the moment to just be by himself, his mind at peace knowing that there would be no more threats to the community.

He grabbed the bourbon and consumed the alcohol. His mind was filled with thoughts about Snow, who is carrying their child.

At first, he is worried about being a father since he never envisioned for that to happen. He thought that he is gonna live his life with countless fights and brawls or tons of paperwork.

However, everything is new to him.

Bigby remembered the moment they had an intercourse back at Remembrance Day, on his sofa. The memory made him smile, it was his first time. It was the very beguiling moment of his life when their bodies connected to each other.

He imbibed the bourbon until there is no liquid left inside the bottle. His thought came across about the hike that Snow wanted. He thought it was a peculiar idea but as long as she is there, then everything will be perfect.

Scratching his stubble, he is pondering on what they will do. Better yet, what will he do.

His gaze landed on the clock, the sun will make its way to the sky soon. Realizing that he won't be able to get a shut eye since it will only take merely few hours for them to depart, he abruptly stood up to pack everything they would need at the camp and that he would also go outside to buy something necessary for their hike.

-Several hours later-

The two are finally in the isolated and remote forest. Bigby carried everything they need, whilst Snow is walking with the support of a cane. They had been walking and passing by a lot of trees for an hour, finding a spot that would be suitable for camping.

Finally, they spot a small valley where they could climb up easily and that there is a flat surface on top.

"Do you think that one will do, hun?" Bigby asked Snow who is panting from the long walk. She stopped and looked where he is gazing at.

"I think that will do." Snow smiled.

They walked around the lake that is just below the valley as they started to climb up the gentle slope.

Bigby looked behind to see Snow, struggling to follow from behind. Snow noticed that he was staring at her so she continued to follow.

"Clearly, you're having a hard time." Bigby spoke.

"Why are you being so over concerned? You said you will stop babying me." She said as she walked with difficulties from the travelling.

Bigby sighed, knowing that he will have to deal with her stubbornness for the rest of his life. He carried her despite her futile protests and went up to the valley.

After a few walks, they have reached the top. Bigby slowly placed her on her feet as they looked at the breath-taking scenery.

They are full of admiration from the view up as they could see the trees that looked small compared to when they were down before. The birds flew to the sky in unison.

This is what they are missing on when their life is just surrounded by paperwork, cases and horrible complaints from the fables.

Taking the time to absorb, Snow closed her eyes and felt the cool breeze of the wind. Whilst, Bigby looked at her who is enjoying the scenery which made him smile.

It is just one of the memories that he would want to keep so that he could share something to their child.

"I'm going to set up the tent and you just rest, alright?" Bigby ordered as he placed the bag down and grabbed the tarp to the grass, placing it beside the huge maple tree.

Then, he laid out all the components for the tent, connecting all the poles. After he inserted the last pole to the corresponding flap, he raised the tent and it was all done.

Bigby looked at Snow who is laying beside the huge maple tree, her eyes fixed to the surroundings. He walked towards her and sat down beside her.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Snow asked, staring at his brown eyes.

"I'm just exactly where I wanted to be." Bigby replied, gazing at her deep blue eyes that resembles the ocean.

Mhm mhm, I've gone cuckoo on my head now 'cause of them :3

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