Chapter 19: The Fight Finale (Ending)

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Shoutout to the winners!! Heheh c: madambigballz Irocksocks22 fanfiction2001 wolfierusher

Please read A/N after this or I'll cry :(

-Bigby's POV-

Cindy and I looked at each other, trying to communicate through our minds. She slowly drew out her sword as I turned to look at the man who is to be blamed for everything he had put everyone through; making the lives of the fables miserable due to his own amusement.

"In their slumbers the world over, children wake in the night, knowing that something is about to come crawling out from under the bed. Their gentle innocent voices will whisper my name and all that is to remember was the blissful moments since they were born. After that, they won't even know anything anymore since they had departed. I wonder what is even the difference between us- we had dirt on our hands and yet, you're acting as the protector of everyone." The man spoke as he continued to remain on the chair, oddly calm.

"Well I don't give two shits about what sick fuck you do! You're going to come with me and before I throw you down the witching well, I'll make sure that every single fable will spit in your face!" I yelled, trying to regain my self-control. My patience is just a thin line and I'm more than willing to rip his guts off, if it wasn't for what Cindy had told me earlier ago.

I guess every time I screwed up, fables will only tend to remember the "bad" part than the many things I did for them- which is putting my life on the line.

"I suppose you're going to apprehend me for my sentences in accordance with fact and reality? Without any evidences at all? Just full of allegations and that's the main point you're lacking, sheriff. Truth be told, I'm galvanized by your impressive detective expertise. However, someone like you had an abysmal history which can't be disregarded lately. If you're still being inquisitive about what my identity is, I preferred to be baptized Mr. Dark, an epithet to the devil." He trailed off as his yellow eyes illuminated, looking more demonic.

"You shut you're fuckin-"

"Bigby!" Cindy called out as I spun around and saw a man holding on Cindy's sword, pointing it just a few centimeters away from her throat to be slit. It's fucking Prince Brandish! Now, what the hell is going on.

"The big bad wolf had finally came out from the forest! Surprisingly, it's purpose wasn't to hunt and kill thousands of the living. It's purpose was actually to act like a guardian angel among the fables. Trying to cleanse his dirty hands? What a laughing stock!" He laughed as he continued to point the sword to her, gesturing her to move at the corner of the wall. I walked nearer to him but he pointed the sword even closer to her.

"I swear if you don't put that damn thing, you're gonna end up much worse than any death took place in this fucking world!" My eyes widened at him but he laughed even louder.

He dropped the sword and quickly pounded her head with his fist, making Cindy fall unconscious. I tried to run but their stares put me on a halt, sensing that they have something worse to offer. Brandish tied Cindy's wrists and ankles together with a nylon rope. He then carried the sword.

"A while ago, I finally had a word with my wife. She can't stop blabbering nonsense in front of me about you being united in wedlock with her!" He yelled as he stood up to me, face to face. I quickly gripped his collar but he kicked my calf with the recent stab, making me growl in pain.

"We can discuss the matter later, Werian Holt. Don't you see? The game is still ongoing. What's a game without players? I'm fortunate enough to find very willing and enthusiastic participants. As a matter of fact, I have brought you a gift for joining this wondrous event." The dark man stood up from his previous position and walked over to one of the chains that is connected to a reel at the ceiling.

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