Chapter 26: Into The Woods Part. 3

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(Lol, I updated it cause I kept laughing non-stop and realized it ruined the moment)

Rated Mature for sexual themes.

Bigby and Snow laid to the soft grass, their visions are filled with the enchanting night sky as dark as the ocean but infinitely more deep.

Although the night sky may look like a blank canvas, the countless stars captivated their eyes, shining like a fresh-cut diamond. The moon dwells on the universe, it's pearl white feature reigning its matchless uniqueness.

The crackling of fire, the rustling of leaves and the wind whistling worked in perfect harmony.

Snow looked at Bigby who is staring at the full moon, imbibing the whiskey.

From the journey all the way here, he seems to be pondering about something she doesn't know.

She slowly scooted closer to him, placing her hand on his chest and rested her head on it. She can hear his every single heart beat which was music to her ear.

"Bigby." Snow begun, running her slender fingers up and down his chest.

"Hmm?" Bigby husked, clearing what is bothering him.

"I would like to know more about you." She trailed off, resting her chin on top of his chest to look at him. He lifted his head up to meet her eyes, raising his eyebrow.

"What's it there to know about me?" He scoffed, remembering what he did in the past which tarnished his own identity. All he ever did was to cause pain and that, for the first time, made him guilty.

"Was I the only one?" The question made her cheeks tint a slight red. She is curious about him since she was always occupied and never really got the chance to have a deeper conversation.

Of course, she already knew about his history from the folklore.

"What do you mean?" Bigby inquired, still puzzled from her query. Snow sat up as Bigby pushed his elbow for support to the ground, sitting up as well.

"Only one you have feelings for centuries." Snow continued, her cheeks are burning from the question. Bigby let out a chuckle, cupping her cheek with his palm.

"You were the first and my one and only." Bigby smiled as Snow imitated his expression.

"Let me show you what love is." She purred, leaning closer to him. Bigby's thin lips slightly parted, surprised by the question. His breathing became a little shallow, she could smell the alcohol from him.

Bigby gulped as he placed his elbow to the grass to have more space between them but she just slowly got closer, his back now pressed to the ground, almost pinning him down.

The scent he picked up drove him insane, her arousal is evident. Snow laughed as she pulled away from him.

"You're funny." Snow laughed at the amusement she received from the tease she gave. Bigby frowned as he stood up.

"I'm going to go for a swim at the lake." He muttered, her recent action made him aroused, heading to the gentle slope. The height of the valley is only a few meters high.

Once he is down, he glanced at the clear lake, as if the lake is reflecting the moon and stars. He loosened his tie, removing it. Then, he unbuttoned his shirt, removing the belt from his pants and pulled everything down.

Sauntering towards the lake, his body felt the cold water, he stopped until it reached his chest. He dived down the water, swimming skillfully. He swam until her scent is close again.

He lifted his head above the water only to find Snow, looking at him.

"Snow?" He called, his eyes watched her sliding down the floral dress slowly, followed by her undergarments, standing bare before him. Her attire joined with his, creating a pile of articles of clothing. She ambled towards the lake, dipping her feet to the freezing water which made her shudder.

Snow continued to plod as the water made her motion slower, though, Bigby remained still. Even though he already had saw her bared soul, it feels as though it is the first time. It's like a spellbound, never failing him to be enticed.

Once she reached, they stood from each other with little space.She looked at him, his face dripping from the droplets of water, his chest glistening. Bigby grasped her chin, tilting it up to make eye contact.

He'd wanted to touch and kiss and hold her from the day he had met her. He had wanted her to burn for him, just as he had wanted her to set him ablaze.

Their gazes felt so dangerous like a sweet torment, way more intimate than words can ever be spoke, their souls catch on fire as their eyes blazed. They paused, their lips are barely touching and breathing each other's air. Their breaths were hot, compared to the low temperature surrounding.

Bigby broke the gap as he brushed his rough lips to her ever so soft blood-like lips, nibbling her lower lip. She tilted her head as their kiss deepened, full of emotions from the thousands of years. Snow raked through his mahogany locks, slightly tugging it. Their kiss became even more fathomless.

She parted her lips, sliding his tongue into her mouth, exploring inside as their moist tongues battled for dominance, massaging it together. She pulled away from his lips, leaving the both of them breathless, gasping for air.

Snow tip-toed, trailing a kiss from his neck down to his broad and hard chest. Bigby caressed her upper back with his warm palm, sending shivers down her spine.

He then placed his hands to the side of her thighs, pulling it up as her legs hooked around his waist. Snow placed her hands to his shoulder blades for support.

In one swift move, their foreheads pressed together as the wave of heat flowed through their bodies, making Snow bite her lip but it was helpless as a long, low sound escaped her lips from the intense pleasure.

Her breathing hitched as she felt if fill her, sending thrills that she have known back at Remembrance Day.

Her head rolled back as her nails raked his shoulder blade, sending her over the edge of rapture. His breathing became shallow and rapid as well, a groan produced. Heck, he didn't even care about the pain from her nails that dug into his skin, he was too lost from the pleasure they both are experiencing.

A sweat started to form from their skin.

Her body slightly shakes, weakening her flesh as the intensity grew to its maximum, reaching the climax. They both felt the heavy tension, as they both released, breathless.

Her head fell to his collarbone, nuzzling at his neck. He caressed her back up and down, relaxing from the heavy intercourse. After a few pants, they both looked at each other's eyes, the moment made an indelible memory.

It's a memory where both surrenders their self to one another, being in the place where someone can be closest to.

Their gazes locked as two halves became one.
Hope ya'll like it.

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