Chapter 21: Ambivalent

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-Knights Of Malta Hospital, 3.45 am-

Bigby's POV

Not again, not again. Why is everything crashing down? I can't blame her though, she is already injured from the shots and now, she is forced to work again.

I wish she can just stop being stubborn. I'm in the familiar hallway again, standing outside the door. The waiting makes me even more uncertain and worried. Hell, it feels like a hundred years.

The metal doors swing open as the physician went out to face me. The uneasiness just sunk into my stomach, waiting for the result. He cleared his throat and gazed at my worried expression.

"Not to worry about anything, she is perfectly well, except for the two healing shots and a few minor injuries such as the bruises and cuts. No life- threatening situation. But, she has a fever from the sudden actions when she is supposed to rest in her case.Though, she does not want me to say anything more. Now, excuse me, I have to treat more casualties." Swineheart informed as he darted to the hallway.

A sense of relief gushed to me, I opened the door and went inside. Snow is laying on the bed, her eyes is focused on the dull wall. She didn't even bothered to set her eyes on me.

"Snow, what's wrong?" I asked, plopping down beside her. Now, her attention was focused to me. But, I can't tell what she is feeling or even thinking. Why is she so hard to read at times? Countless thoughts raced to mind on what possibly could have ticked her off. Maybe she knew I killed Baron and Mary. Maybe she knew that I abused the prisoners. Heck, I don't even know.

"Nothing is wrong, Bigby." She said flatly, her eyes landing to the ground.

"Clearly, that's not true. Something is bothering you." I spoke as I tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. I could tell that she is doubtful about something I don't know. Her scent told me how sad, happy and worried she is. Mixed emotions.

"I'm just tired, Bigby. I just encountered an awful lot of days." Her gentle voice soothed me. I agree with her, it has been terrible. Though, I am confident that the war has finally came to an end. Everything will be back to what it is supposed to be.

"I know, Snow. But, everything is done now. It will be back to the way it was before." I spoke, touching her soft hand. I brought her hand up and kissed it. She smiled a little but I could still tell she is somehow hesitant.

"It's not going to be back the way it is before." She admitted, slowly letting go of my touch.

"Why did you say that?" I'm surprised from what she had just stated, why is she being peculiar now? I dislike whenever she is having contradictory feelings inside her, she is always an enigma and unpredictable.

"Can we go to Woodlands? I don't like this place. I need to start working to take my mind off from everything." She spoke and pushed herself to sit up. I remembered what Swineheart said that she have to rest but she is obstinate.

I can't win to her, but I love her so much that I accept every flaws and imperfections she have. 'Cause I knew at the end, everything will be worth it.

"Snow, please. You gotta rest, how many times do I have to tell you that?" I asked in a calm tone but she just ignored me completely.

"I want to use a cane, I don't like sitting in that wheelchair." She spoke as she reached for the wooden cane laying on the side table. Snow landed the cane on the ground and slowly placed her feet to the floor. I supported her back, but she stubbornly refused despite my attempts.

She did it for a few steps but it's taking her so long to reach the door as her arms wobbled involuntarily.

"Snow, can you just use the wheelchair? It's better to rest for a couple of weeks before you use that." I called from behind but she just let out a groan.

"When I said I can do it, I can." She demanded.

I sighed as I walked towards her, I threw the cane away from her as she fell towards me. I scooped under her legs and my other arm, embracing her. She tried to push me away but I don't really care.

"Let go of me Bigby! I said I don't want the wheelchair!" She yelled at me that made me even smirk.

"Alright, you don't want the wheelchair. That means I'll carry you home." I beamed at her that she finally gave up, still holding on her angry expression.

Luckily, I have my shirt and tie back that is not drenched in blood. (Ey, don't ask)

We walked outside the hospital, with the mundies looking at us. Hell, I don't care what the fuck they are thinking and I don't care about the long walk as well.

All I care about is that I have the most beautiful woman in my arms and I'm proud of it.

"Bigby, they are looking at us" She muttered as I just smiled even more.

"You got it wrong, they are not looking at us. They are looking at you because you're beautiful. Besides, it's only around 4 in the morning or so, there would only be a few mundies outside." I spoke that made her smile too, unknowingly.

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