Chapter 13: Flabbergast

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-This chapter contains some of my research from the folklores. (I'm f*cking scared now. Idk if I can sleep tonight, anyways.)-

Bigby emerged from sleep, his head rested to the side of the bed while holding on to Snow's hand unknowingly. Her eyes are closed as her consciousness are practically suspended.

Her deep raven blue hair flowed effortlessly to her shoulders. He looked steadily in admiration. Unfortunately, time is gold. As much as he wanted to stay to be with her, the community is at risk.

He slowly lifted his head up and took one last look at the beauty and let go of her soft hand, planting a sweet kiss on her forehead. With that, Snow stirred and her eyes opened slowly. Her sight was quickly drawn to the sheriff who was just about to leave the room.

"Leaving so soon?" Her voice slurred from the sleepiness. Bigby turned around and sauntered back to the princess on bed with a smile plastered on her face.

"Glad you're awake now. I have to leave for work but before that, do you mind if I ask you some questions about the happenings last night?" Bigby inquired as he plopped down at the edge of the bed.

"I don't know, Bigby. If I knew who did it I would've told you straight away when you got here. Maybe you could look onto the film canister I gave you, it was lying on the ground and the person just ran away. My vision was just bombarded, and there you are, carrying me to safety." Snow replied as she gazed at his shirt that is drenched from her own blood.

Right at the moment the bullets passed through her body, she couldn't remember anything as if the world had stopped while her body crashed to the snow covered ground and the heavy rainfall made her even more cold.

Everything was in a daze, the voices murmured as they took off. Her heart ached when she thought that she would leave the world soon and the thought of leaving Bigby terrified her more.

"It's alright, Bufkin is taking a look on it. Just take a rest and my mind will be at peace while I work. Will you do that?" Bigby requested before standing up and adjusted his tie, walking towards the metal doors.

Snow quickly placed her elbow to the bed for balance as she tried her hardest to sit up. She groaned from the pain which stopped him from leaving, again.

"I'm going with you Bigby" She groaned in between words as she finally managed to sat up before Bigby could help.

"No, you're going to stay here. I put Bufkin in charge while you're resting here. I need you safe and sound." Bigby said in a stern voice that made Snow even more furious; showing dogged determination not to change her stand.

"Don't you see it? If I wasn't there you could've been the one who is shot to death! Don't forget that matters like this we should be professionals, besides I'm the deputy mayor!" She fulminated that made Bigby stunned with a hint of hurt on his expression now.

"I guess it doesn't matter now if you kept on ranting on me, I'm used to it. All I want for you is to be safe and that is good enough for me." He trailed off before leaving the room.

-Business Office, 5 pm-
Bigby's POV

The film canister only consists of two images. The two photographs were identical, just me in the warehouse, changed to my half wolf form with the dead bodies surrounding me. What does this supposed to mean?

I think that the place was deliberately put for me to find, like a trigger. So someone called me to get there. Then a bastard just took a photo of me while I am there. What the fuck.

"I think someone wants to destroy your image, Mr. Bigby." Bufkin interrupted, looking at the horrible images that is on the desk.

"I think that's a good point. But, why would that person want to do that? It's like everything doesn't seem to all fit. Those women died and Snow got shot." I theorized as I scratched my stubble, trying to find any answer.

"Miss Snow got shot?" Bufkin exclaimed. I forgot that I didn't told him. Damn tongue.

"Yeah, but she's fine now. Atleast." I replied simply, I just hope that she won't do something again, she needs to rest. I shook my head to remove the worries that is building up on me again. She's gonna be fine, I have to concentrate to this case.

If that person wanted to destroy my image, who would that person deliver the pictures to? Why do that bastard have to shoot Snow? Maybe Crane and Charming did all of these but the evidences and motives doesn't fit at all.

"Bufkin, do you still have the book that has the symbols on it?" I asked, maybe the symbol at the boxes would lead me to somewhere, it's also important.

"Of course, Mr. Bigby, it's at the desk over there." The green monkey answered as he flew towards the desk to the right. I quickly followed and opened the book. I flipped the pages and scanned over the symbols.

The woodman's axe, Faith's coat, Greenleaf's tree, Cinderella's glass slipper, Faith's ring until I stopped flipping. That's the fucking symbol; the coffin with a cross on top and a few little signs.

"What the fuck is this?" I asked, pointing at the mysterious sign.

Bufkin looked at where I was pointing and studied before answering, "It's a Vévé, a religious symbol commonly used in Vodou and Palo. It acts as a beacon for the Loa. An act for some ritual."

Before he could finish, the phone rung again which Bufkin answered. After a few words, he looked at me. "Mr. Bigby, someone's waiting for you in your office." He informed, as I hurriedly ran out of the Business Office, sprinting towards my small office.

I stopped in front of the door that read Security Office and with my name on it. I turned the knob and pushed the door open. My eyes widened.

"What the fuck?"
Ooohhh who do you think it is???
Lol I'll post the winners to the next chapter. The answer is hard, though :3

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