Chapter 9

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Song supermassive blackhole 

 It's extraordinary. Bella and I stay by Esme who plays catcher. Alice pitches with lightning-fast speed. Edward

and Emmett and Lucas take positions in the outfield.

ROSALIE SMASHES the ball with the aluminum bat. It CRACKS like thunder -- and is followed directly by real THUNDER.

"Now I get why you need the thunder Bella says.''

The ball shoots like a meteor deep into the forest, rocketing through the trees. Edward disappears after it.

"Thats gotta be a homerun I say.''

"Edward's very fast Esme says.''

Rosalie darts around the bases, almost a blur -- Edward races out of the forest with the ball and WHIPS it to home plate. WHAP!

Esme catches it a millisecond before Rosalie slides in.

"Out me and Bella says.'' simultaneously

Esme nods... Amazed, We both watch as Carlisle hits a line drive. Edward and Emmett race for the catch, diving 15 feet

and colliding with such might that it sounds like enormous boulders falling. They miss the ball and Carlise is safe!

Jasper whacks the next pitch -- deep into the forest. But before Edward can chase it, Alice suddenly gasps.

"Stop! I didn't see them she yells.''

They all stop. Edward is immediately at Bella's side. The family instantly gathers at home plate. Lucas grabs me, pulling me into his side.

"They're traveling so quickly Alice says.''

"You said they left the county," Lucas says.'' Emmett gets to us and gestures Lucas to pass me to him

"They did, but then they heard us.. And changed their minds Alice says.''

"Put your hair down Edward says.'' to bella

"Like that'll help. I could smell her from across the field, Rosealie says.''

"Rose Lucas says.'' shaking his head

"She's right I say, I'll try and mask her.'' I go and stand next to Bella Emmett on the other side of me

"We shouldn't have brought you here. I'm so sorry Emmett says.'' I grab his hand and send a silent gesture of a smile and focus on blocking Bellas sent.

There's a faint rustle... then three vampires emerge. As they near, I see their bare feet, then the

deep red of their eyes. One with dreads holds up the baseball.

"I believe this belongs to you he says.'' he tosses the Ball and Carlise easily catches it

"Thank you," says Carlise.''

"Could you use three more players he asks?''

"Of course some of us were just leaving," Carlise says.''

"I'm Laurent. This is Victoria. And James.''

"Pleasure this is my family Esme, Lucas, Rosealie, Alice and Jasper, Emmett, Bryn and Bella and Edwards.''

"Nice bunch have got there Laurent says.''

"I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us Carlise says.''

"Our apologies. We didn't realize the territory had been claimed he says.''

"Yes, we maintain a permanent residence," Carlise says.'' James and Edward have locked eyes

"Really? Well, we won't be a problem any more he says.''

"The humans were tracking us, but we led them East Victoria says.'' Suddenly a movement behind me makes me lose focus, suddenly a gust of wind ruffles Bellas hair, carrying her scent, which floats to James he crouches, twisting his head sideways.

"You brought a snack james says.''

Edward springs in front of Bella, baring his teeth. A truly menacing, feral snarl rips from his throat. James growls back. I'm pushed backwards into the movement behind which happened to be Lucas. Everyone's teeth snarled in a very predatory situation. Lucas's grip never loses from my arm. The wave of aura passing through me Anger, Protectiveness, lust and one I can't put my finger on burns the back of my throat as it passes.

"The girl is with us Carlise says.''

"We won't harm her," Laurnet says.''

"Just try it Emmett says.'' I'm in between him and Lucas Emmett still gripping on hand while Lucas grips my other arm.

"I think it best if you leave Carlise says.''

"Yes, I can see the game is over. We'll go now. James?"

But James' eyes don't leave Edward's. Laurent puts a hand on James' shoulder, and finally, James backs into the woods with

his cohorts, disappearing. Once they're gone, Esme immediately gathers up the bats tossing them to me.

"Get Bella out of here. We'll follow them Carlise says.'' Carlisle , Jasper and a resentful Rosalie race off after the three vampires. Edward scoops Bella up.

"I'll go to Lucas says.'' giving me a smile before taking off after them I help load the bats into the trunk of Carlisle car

"He didn't smell me I say.''

"I know Emmett says.''

"What are we going to do I say.''

"I'm not sure but we need to get both of you to safety, he may not have smelled you but my reaction sure sent curiosity Emmett says.''

Emmett flashes me to the jeep and tries to buckle me

"I've got it I'm fine I say.'' he jumps over the jeep and into the driver's seat grabbing my hand he doesn't let go. The phone rings

"Edward.. Yes I meet you there Emmett says.''

"Taking you home Emmett says.'' I stiffen

"He could hurt my dad," I say.''

"I won't let that happen he says.'' kissing my hand 

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