Chapter 19

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Song Hold your breath Ruelle 

"Bella where are you taking me I asks?''

"Almost there she says.''

Ignoring the wind and rain, she strides to the cliff's edge; looks down

"Step back Emmetts ghost says.''

"Bella what are you doing I ask?''

She steps back from the cliff's edge She starts pulling off her shoes and coat,

adrenaline pumping.

"Bella stop it's not safe in these waters I say.'' gripping her arm

"He won't stay with me any other way she says.'' then with a running leap --

FLINGS herself over the edge

"God dammit I say.'' taking off my shoes

"Don't the ghost says.'' I jump off the edge

plummeting down, down... then splash into the water. No sign of Bella. A beat. Suddenly, she POPS back up.Inhales deeply -- and laughs!

"Yes she yells.''

"You scared the shit out of me I thought you drown I say.'' she laughs then turns

to swim ashore... but her smile falters when she realizes

how strong the current is...

"Bella the current is two stro-" my words are cut off a wave crashes over my head. I gasps for breath.Then another wave hits me pulling me under I pass out.


"Bryn, come on.''

"Breath paul yells.''

"Paul I breath out.'' cough up water Sam stands behind him

"She'll be alright Sam says.''

"What the hell were you thinking Paul says?''

"I went in after Bella I say.''

"If we hadn't heard you scream Paul says.'' pulling me into a hug

"Get her home. I'm heading to the hospital. I'll meet you there Sam says.''

"Wait, Sam said hospital - someone's hurt?"

"Harry had a heart attack.'' the pain hits me in a wave

"Does... does my dad know I ask?''

"Your dad is there he says.''

"Is he okay?'' my voice cracks

"I don't know. Come on. I'll find you something dry and drive you home.''

I wear a pair of Paul's sweat pants and a hoodie as he drives my bike back to my house I shiver my teeth chattering.

"Hundred and eight degrees in front of you he says.'' I wrap my arms around him tucking my head into his back

"Must be nice, never getting cold.''

"It's a wolf thing he says.''

"It's a paul thing your just really warm I say.''

"Like the sun He asks?''

"Like the sun I say.'' chuckling

"Which always comes back. You can count on me.''

"I know I say.'' we are quiet the rest of the way home

"We are here he says.'' we hope off the bike

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