Chapter 21

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song bruises Lewis capaldi 

"Yes I say.'' he takes my hands flash of thoughts memories flash through my mind he pulls away

"We all enjoy a love triangle don't we Aro says.''

He releases me, moves back to his chair, deep in thought.

"I wonder if-"

"No Edward yells."

"Let's see if she's immune to all our powers, shall we Jane?"

Jane turns toward Bella but Edward springs in front of her --

Jane instead focuses her gaze on Edward which flings him

across the room where he collapses, writhing in agony. Jane

concentrates on him with a small smile, enjoying his pain.

"Stop Bella yells!"

Bella and Alice rush to his side. As soon as Jane looks

away, Edward's pain ceases.

"Jane, dear.The girl?"

Jane's gaze now turns toward Bella who cringes, awaiting the

pain... but nothing happens. Jane's grin is replaced by

anger. Aro laughs like a child with a new toy.

Jane, infuriated, moves toward Bella, but Aro stops her with

a tiny gesture.

"Remarkable! She confounds us all. So

what do we do with you now?"

"You already know what you'll do, Aro Marcus says."

"They know too much; they're a liability."

"That's true. Unless Edward and Emmett intend to give them immortality But that's not your intention, is. Shame." Ar nods towards felix and Demitri. Demitri chargers towards me but not before Emmett tackles him

"Emmett don't I yell."

Lucas jumps to help Emmett but has several Volturi guard hold him back,

which is no easy job.

Demitri will loose but go down fighting Emmett is slow but strong shoving him into the wall. Demitri grabs Emmett, throws him into the ceiling, SMASHING

against the marble; he drops like a stone. Is then

immediately KICKED across the room.

"Aro please stop!"

Demitri takes some hits, but then lifts Emmett overhead,

CRACKING him like a nut, then flinging him against a wall

I run toward Aro but a Volturi Guard flings me away;

I fly backwards but land on my feet running towards him again and sliding underneath a guards arms on my knees. Pain suddenly takes over my body; it feels as if my insides are all one fire.

I scream

"Enough a voice booms.'' a woman walks down the stairs her once tan skin is light and ivory he face frozen in time. She walks towards me, Lucas flings the guards off his arms flashes over to me.

"Not another step he says.''

"How dare you tell a mother not to comfort her child she says.'' I stand up looking at her face

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