Chapter 11

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Song Fourth of July Sufjan stevens 

"Call Paul is say.'' on it my siri says the phone rings once and he answers

"Hello he says.'' a cry burst through my throat

"I'm on my way to the res, meet me at the line I say.''

"What's wrong he asks?''

"I'll explain everything there is please." my voice cracks

"Just meet me there," I say.'' my phone rings it's dad I answer

"Where, where are you he asks?''

"On my way to Billy what's going on I ask?''

"Bellas been in an accident he says, I'm leaving for phoenix he says.''

"I'll be there wait for me I say.''

"No just go to Billy's I'll see you soon okay he says.''

"I love you.'' is all he says before hanging up there's a flash of red in the trees I push the gas harder, I won't let her catch me i'm almost to the line and see Paul standing there waiting for me along with others, Red flashes in front of me and I loose control of the bike it slides underneath me I slide over the line the road scrapping against my leg.

"Oh how cute Victoria says.'' standing above me she grabs my leg

"Let me go I say.''

"Oh sweet thing, you took something from me it's payback she says.'' sinking her teeth into my neck I scream I hear a growl and shes throw off of me the wolves chasing after her. I scream out in pain

"Bryn, Bryn Paul says.'' holding my hand

"My neck it burns I say.'' slashing around

"Stay with me Paul says.''

"It's venom Sam says.''

"How to I stop it Paul says.''

"You can't Sam says.''

"There has to be a way he says.'' pulling me into his lap the fire burns through my whole body as I continue slashing around

"Make it stop please I say.''

"Sam please, Paul begs his voice cracking.''

"Paul, there is nothing I can do Sam says.''

"She can't be one of them, she can't he yells.'' My vision gets blurry he softly touches my hair

"It burns I scream.''

"Stay with me baby stay with me he says.'' my vision goes dark as a phone rings

*********************** PAULS POV

"Emmett I say.'' answering the phone

"Why are you answering what's going on Emmett asks?''

"It's Bryn the redhead bite her Il says.''

"Fuck!! Emmett yells.''

"I can't stop it I say.''

"Where are you He says.''

"The reservation just past the line Emmett I need your help I say.''

"I can't cross Emmett says.'' I look to Sam he nodded

"You have permission just get here I say.' hanging up the phone and throwing it into the ground before laying Bryn on my lap and caressing her hair

"You can't become a monster bryn Please... please stay with me I beg.''


Eyes closed. But they slowly open. I squint at the light. An oxygen tube rests under my nose. I reaches for it,

confused. A hand stops me as my surroundings come into focus.

"Leave it Lucas says.''

"What happened I ask?''

"You were in an accident I'll go get Emmett and Paul he says.'' leaving the room I'm in a doctors office in the cullen house

Emmett stands next to me with deep concern He kisses my forehead soothingly.

" Is James - did you''

"We took care of him. And the woman, Victoria, she got away.''

"What happened I ask?''

"Paul he umm the venom was spreading he couldn't stop it he says.''

"Soo.. I umm he says, sucked the venom out he says.''

"So I'm alive because of you I say.''

"No your in the situation because of me he says.'' he strokes my face

"The worst of it... was thinking I couldn't stop he says.''

"But you did I say.''

"Bryn i want you to stay on the reservation Where I can't hurt you anymore..''

"What no absolutely not you... you can't leave me I say.''

"Sssh. It's alright. I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here.'' he lays next to me on the bed the door opens

"Sorry i couldn't wait any longer Paul says.'' he walks next to me grabbing my hand

"How do you feel he asks?''

"Perfect healthy as a horse I say.'' he chuckles

"I made you a tattoo appointment for your scars he says.'' I grab my neck feelings the bumps

"Thank you I say.''

"Of course he says.''


"All finished the artist says.'' I stand in the mirror looking at the tattoo of a bite on my neck

"Thank you I say.'' he nods towards me leaving me in front of the mirror

"You always tattoo your scars Emmett asks?''

"Ya I say, scars fade I want to be remind of all i've survived I say.'' he smiles lightly kissing my neck

"I have more I say.'' taking my shirt off

"The paw print is pauls I say.'' pointing towards my shoulder

"I got it after I found out..."

"That he imprinted Emmett asks?''

"How did you I asks?''

"Came up in conversation while you were healing," he says.''

"What this one he says.'' pointing the the circle on the stomach

"Umm charlie didn't always knows I was his when I was three my mom got into an accident a stop sign went through my stomach, my blood type being as rare as it is my mom called charlie and told him to the come to the hospital he gave blood and my mom finally told him, he demanded that he get weekends with me, and Bella's mom was pissed, I think that's why bella doesn't like me very much: soon after her and Charlie split I think Bella blames me I say."

"She loves you," Emmett says.''

"Sometimes I say.''

"And this one he asks?'' tracing his fingers around the butterflies on my side

"For my mom she loved butterflies. I got it after she died I say.''

"I have another one too I say.'' holding up my wrist Emmett traces it curiously

"Its code It's the letter E I say.'' he smiles pulling into him

"I love you he whispers.'' in my ear

"I love you," I say.''

Authors note

I loved writing this so much and it took so much planning, and trying to find time to write into between my full time job

The next part of this story will be the New moon and I'm so excited. I hope you all have enjoyed it so far. 

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