Chapter 12

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Song The Bug Collector 

"Emmett I yell.'' waking up from my nightmare i walk over to my mirror studying myself my hand running across the tattoo scar on my neck.

"You okay a voice asks?'' i jump around my throwing my fist a hand catches it

"Jesus Christ Em you scarred me.''

"I hear you yell my name you okay he asks.'' furrowing his eyebrows

"Just a bad dream I say.'' he pushes my hair out of my face

"Happy birthday he says.''

"Thanks for reminding me I say.''

"Your nineteen it's a big deal he says.''

"Absolutely not and it's Bella's birthday to I say.''

"Talk about family drama Emmett says.''

"Not my fault we were born the same day a year apart..... Charlie's coming go I say.'' he grins flashing into the closet

He knocks

"Come in.''

"Happy birthday he says.'' giving me a hug

"Thanks dad I say.''

"Got you something he says.'' pulling a wrapped gift behind his back

I open it its drawing pencils and a camera

"Dad.. thank you I say.''

"Your welcome the camera you can use to take pictures of your friends or your boyfriends he says.''

"Thanks I kn... did you say boyfriends I ask?''

"Yeah paul and Emmett he says.''

"Okay woah I have one boyfriend I say.'' he throw is hands in the air

"Just keeping it real he says.''

"Never say that again I say.'' laughing he places one hand on his hip and throws up a peace sign

"Keeping it real he says.''

"Dad no out I say.'' trying to push him out

"Wow nineteen and bossy he says.''

"Go see Bella I say.'' closing my door

"Boyfriends huh?''

"Shut up I say.'' throwing a shirt at his head

"I thought I was the only one he says.''

"You are I say.'' leaning down and kissing him our lips touch and it's electric

"Out I need to get ready.''

"I'll be outside he says.'' kissing my forehead


I climb out of Emmett's jeep , shouldering my book bag ;Bella is taking pictures of our friend group. The aura turns dark from the friend group Edward has arrived the chat for a bit before they start kissing "I swear they never stop I say.''

"Neither do we Emmett says.'' wrapping his arm around my waist and kissing my neck

"We do in public I say.'' turning and wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him

"Class he says.'' i roll my eyes

"Class I say.'' grabbing his hand he stiffens, Edward and Bella walk toward us

"He wants to see you Edward says.'' nodding towards Paul

I run to him embracing him

"Hello birthday girl he says.''

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