Chapter 14

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song Satellite heart 

"I'm coming christ Jacob yells!'' opening the door

"Bryn what's wrong he asks?''

"Bella said so pretty messed up things about me I say.''

"I'm sure she didn't mean it she under a lot of stress jacob says.''

"Are you kidding I say.''

"What he says.''

"Your taking her side I didn't even tell you what happened I say.''

"Does it even matter Jacob says.''

"Fuck this I say.'' walking away and getting on my bike and taking off


"What..." the door opens

"Hey paul says.'' caressing my face i fall into his arms breaking down in tears

"What happened he asks?''

"Im.. so sorry I canceled our plans they planned this thing and...''

"Shhh he says." pulling me back into his arms

He sits me down on his couch

"Bella said that I didn't belong and i share everything with her the whole party was about her how is it my fault that she got hurt I say.''

"Wait something happened are you okay he asks?''

"Ya i'm fine Bella got a paper cut I say.''

"She got hurt over a paper cut he asks?''

"House full of vampires remember I say.''

"Jesus christ see this is why I don't want you around them he says.''

"Paul i don't wanna fight please.''

"I know I'm sorry I just don't want you to get hurt Paul says.''

"I know I say.'' he pulls me into him and turns on a movie tell I drift off to sleep


"Your here I say.'' climbing off my bike

"Walk with me Emmett asks?"

Emmett gently takes my hand. Dread fills me, but I lets

him guide me toward the woods, he stops by a fallen tree and turns towards me

"You stayed with Paul last night Emmett asks?''

"How did you.. Alice I say.''

"Yeah he says.'' crossing his hands in front of his chest

"Nothing happened I say.''

"Not the point he says, We need to leave Forks.''

"Why I ask?''

"It's time. Carlisle's supposed to be ten years older than he looks; people

will start noticing.''

"When I ask?''

"Now he says.''

"Your leaving me I say.''

"I half to you don't belong in my world.'' belong that word stings

"I belong with you I say.''

"No you belong with Paul Emmett says.''

"Don't do that I say, let me come with you.''

"I don't want you to come!''

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