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Percy stop with his friends amongst the crowds, heart beating like a drum. A sea of hastily assembled demigods parted as his friends walked through the forum. Some looked tense, some nervous. Some were bandaged from their recent battle with the giants, but no one was armed. No one attacked.

Entire families had gathered to see the newcomers. At the far end of the crowd, Percy  spotted Tyson and Mrs. O'Leary, eagerly waiting too. Percy waited and waited, his feet tapping and hands shaking as Hazel and Frank watched him in shock not used to this side of him. He fixed his cape and ran a hand through his messy hair trying to fix it, it had gotten longer and was getting in his eyes.

Then Percy saw his friends.

Annabeth came first, she gave a quick hug to Percy and checked him over for injuries, then Augustus stepped in, he gave percy a bro hug and punched him in the chest lightly.

"Dude-" Augustus began but Percy had already seen the speck of gold behind him.

"Move bitch," Percy shoved Augustus aside and then leaped forward catching his girlfriend mid air as she jumped on him.

He caught her effortlessly, his arms wrapping around her tightly, pulling her as close as he could,  Percy buried his face in her hair, inhaling her familiar scent and feeling a rush of overwhelming relief and joy. She was back, gods, she was back.

"My baby, Jules," he spoke while frantically kissed her all over her face, pulling her closer, Juliet cupped his face and looked him over with teary eyes, "Perce,"

Juliet's voice was barely a whisper, choked with emotion as she looked into Percy's eyes. Tears welled up in her own as she took in the sight of him, her heart overflowing.

"Percy," she repeated, her voice trembling with emotion. Percy's grip tightened around her, his eyes reflecting the same intensity of emotion. He kissed her forehead tenderly, his lips lingering against her skin as if trying to imprint her presence into his soul. 

"I missed you so much." Percy pulled away slightly for a second to look her over, "You're really here, fuck, I love you."

Juliet buried her face in his chest, her tears soaking into his shirt as she clung to him. "I love you too,"

"A little too much pda guys," Annabeth coughed out, everybody was looking at Juliet and Percy with wide eyed. Augustus was scowling beside her, rotating his shoulder to get rid of the pain, "Fucker pushed me away,"

On the side, Daphne had finally pushed through the crowd and found the one person she had been looking for, her eyes were a little widened as she stared at her boyfriend. Jason looked better than before, he'd matured more and he even looked taller, Daphne made to take a step forward but then her eyes fell on the girl beside Jason, she was awfully close to him.

H'e found someone else for him. Daphne tried to step back into the crowd, trying to control the tears that were building up in her eyes when Jason's eyes connected with hers, she couldn't leave without a greeting now. 

She gulped back her sob and cleared her throat before stuttering out, "Jason, uh hi,"

For a moment he did nothing, and then he rushed forward and pulled her in a hug. Daphne's heart fluttered at the warmth of his touch, her eyes closing as she allowed herself to be wrapped up in his embrace. But then it was gone too soon, he embarrassedly pulled away and looked at her lips while talking,  "Sorry, I uh I missed you."

Daphne smiled, whispering, "Me too,"

For a moment they stood in silence infront of each other, just gazing at each other with softness, but then the noise of Percy and Juliet making out, "Genuinely stop it now." Augustus growled, pulling the couple apart.

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