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The ship was quite as everyone prepared for their respective missions to retrieve stuff for the Argo.

Percy had retreated to his room and Juliet had escaped him for a minute, somehow, just to go and check on Jason to make sure he was still alive. Juliet quietly made her way to Jason's room, her footsteps echoing softly in the empty corridor of the ship. She opened the door slowly and slipped inside, her eyes first went to Jason who was still unconscious, then to his right where Daphne had dozed off while holding his hand, and then finally she stopped at his left where Piper sat, making the situation incredibly weird.

Juliet and Piper made eye contact as soon as the blonde girl stepped in, an awkward silence between them before Juliet cleared her throat and moved towards Jason, "Just came to check on his stitches,"

"Oh okay," Piper mumbled as Juliet got to checking Jason's vitals.

There was a tense silence between them, Piper waiting for Juliet to say something watching her moves in a strained manner, "I just wanted to check up on him,"

"I'm not saying anything," Juliet replied back not ready to delve into the conversation with Piper about how delusional she was being.

"You clearly want to,"

"No I don't-" Juliet stopped, her gaze connecting with the knife, her throat constricting as she felt the air leave her lungs, "Where did you get that?" Her shaky hands pointed at the knife.

Piper's gaze drifted to her knife before she clutched it tightly, defensively, "It's mine,"

"That's not what I asked," Juliet replied, her voice steady despite the unease coursing through her veins. "Where did you get it?"

Piper hesitated, her grip on the knife tightening even further. "I found it," she finally admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "In the armory."

Juliet breathed out a shaky breath her entire body shaking, "And you....you just took it!?" Her voice started rising in panic as Piper moved to come near her.

Juliet backed away in panic, holding up her hands to Piper in fear, "Don't come near!"

"Juliet," Piper tried to speak soothingly, not understanding why the girl was getting so triggered, "It's just a knife, nothing else,"

"That's Helen's knife!" Juliet snapped out, "That's from Troy!"

Piper stopped then, realisation dawning on her, she looked at Juliet's shaky and panicked figure, "Juliet-"

"Don't step near me!" Juliet's voice was loud then, and rushing footsteps filled the corridor, Daphne snapped awake, looking between the girls in confusion. The door to the infirmary opened revealing a heaving Percy followed by Leo who was meekly following behind.

"What's wrong?" Percy's voice was dead calm and cold as he steadily rushed to Juliet's side, "What is it Jules?"

Piper retreated back, hiding the knife behind her back to escape when somebody held her wrist, her gaze went up and connected with Daphne's as the girl held her wrist. The two made eye contact before Daphne spoke, "Percy, the knife,"

Piper looked nervously as Percy's gaze drifted to where she held the knife before snapping back to Juliet as he gathers her up in his arms to walk out. He glared at Piper once his words utterly stern, "Not anywhere near her,"

And Piper quickly nodded, assuring Percy the knife wouldn't see the light of the day anywhere near Juliet. Percy gazed at her threateningly once more before softly leading Juliet out of the room. Leo, who had been standing by the door, gazed sympathetically at Piper once before moving towards Daphne to ask about Jason.

That felt like a punch in the gut, Piper realised how she wasn't the one who was associated with Jason anymore, how everyone would ask Daphne about Jason and not her. She harshly glared at Daphne before storming out of the room.

On the other side Percy rushed a shaking Juliet up to his room, he held her close trying to soothe her down, "Shh, I'm here, don't worry everything is okay now,"

Percy held Juliet tightly, his arms wrapped protectively around her as she trembled against him. He stroked her hair gently, murmuring soothing words in her ear, trying to calm her racing heart.

"It's okay, Jules," Percy whispered, his voice a reassuring murmur. "You're safe now, I promise."

Juliet buried her face in Percy's chest, seeking solace in his embrace. She could feel his steady heartbeat beneath her cheek, grounding her in the present moment.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I just... I got scared."

Percy pressed a kiss to the top of her head, his touch comforting. "It's okay to be scared," he said softly. "But I'm here for you, always."

Juliet nodded, her breathing gradually steadying as she clung to Percy. In his arms, she felt a sense of security, a reminder that she wasn't alone in facing her fears. Her gaze drifted to the spar marks on Percy's arm before she gulped and drifted her gaze away, Percy didn't miss that small action, his hold tightening on her.

"Just rest," Percy mumbled, pulling her to bed, "You need rest, baby,"

But Juliet finally had a moment alone with him, she finally had the time to tell him just how much she had missed him, she held tightly to him almost causing him to wince, "I missed you so much,"

Percy held Juliet close, his arms enveloping her in a comforting embrace as she clung to him.

"I missed you too, Jules," Percy murmured, his voice filled with warmth and affection. "More than you could ever know."

He pressed a tender kiss to her forehead, his lips lingering against her skin as he held her close. In that moment, nothing else mattered but the two of them, wrapped up in each other's arms.

"I felt so lonely," Juliet whispered, her voice trembling with emotion, "Elysium was so bad," she held his fingers, "I was so transparent,"

Percy gently wiped away a tear that escaped Juliet's eye, his heart breaking at the pain she had endured.

"You're not alone anymore, Jules," he whispered, his voice soft but filled with determination. "You're here with me now, and I won't let anything happen to you. Never again."

He held her so tightly it felt like being bound.
"You're not transparent to me," he murmured, his gaze meeting hers with unwavering sincerity. "You're the most important person in the world to me, and I'll always be here for you."

Juliet's eyes met Percy's, and for the first time in a long while, she felt peace.

"I love you, Perce," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude and affection.

Percy smiled, his heart swelling, "I love you too, Jules," he replied, his voice echoing with sincerity, his gaze drifted to his marked arm contemplatively, "Now Rest, I'll be here,"

Juliet nodded, clutching onto him as she closed her eyes. Percy waited for her to be in deep slumber, gently brushing her hair before he reached out for riptide from his pocket. He needed to get the marks off his body.

𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞! Finally y'all are going to start seeing why this book is rated mature. Percy has.....lost it. Which I feel like seems realistic considering he was a child during the entire pjo series, fought in a war, nearly lost his life multiple times, and had to watch his friends and girlfriend die. I'm sorry but that amount of stuff does leave ptsd behind, so you guys better be ready to see some fucked mental health in these kids.

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