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For as long as Jason could remember the ship was getting attacked, It had been nine days since his friends fell into Tartarus, and nothing had been the same since.

The boat rocked with another earthquake, Jason sighed, sitting across from Daphne trying to ignore who exactly was causing the earthquake. "As I was saying-"

"Uhm," Leo barged in, cutting him off, "Jason, Percy broke out again,"

"Again?" Daphne spoke skeptically as Leo nodded.

"And uh, he has riptide out, threatening the gods again to bring back Juliet," Leo mumbled.

Jason stood up as he sighed, ever since Annabeth and Juliet fell into the Tartarus, Percy lost it, it was as if something finally snapped in him, he was completely unhinged, on the loose ready to kill anything and anyone on his path. Augustus however had retreated into himself, choosing solitude rather than violence.

Jason's determination hardened as he prepared to confront Percy. He knew that the situation was dire; Percy was dangerously unstable, and if left unchecked, he could do irreparable damage.

He stepped out of the Argo II, watching Percy go manic above water, he was using the waves to stay afloat and hacking away at anything and everything, cursing the gods and sobbing and yelling for Juliet.

Jason's heart ached as he watched Percy's frantic, desperate behavior from a distance. The sight of his friend—once a fierce but controlled hero—now completely consumed by grief and anger was almost too much to bear. Percy's power was immense, and seeing him wield it with such reckless abandon was a chilling reminder of the stakes they were all facing.

Jason knew he needed to act quickly. He breathed and took off, flying towards Percy as he focused his energy on his index finger, holding it to the back of Percy's head as he whispered, "Sleep now," he zapped him with enough current to knock him unconscious.

It was a routine at this point, they had been keeping Percy in comatose state to avoid him breaking all hell loose. 

As Jason's electric current coursed through Percy, the demigod's wild thrashing ceased abruptly. The waves around him settled into a calmer rhythm, and the turbulent energy that had surrounded him dissipated. Percy's body slumped into the water, his grip on Riptide loosening as he sank into unconsciousness. Jason quickly swooped down to catch him before he could submerge completely.

Carrying Percy back to the Argo II, Jason felt a pang of guilt. The sight of his friend, who was usually so strong and dependable, now lying powerless, was heartbreaking. This was not how he had imagined their mission would unfold, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

Augustus stepped out of his room as Jason was carrying Percy to his room. The son of Hermes, looked haggard, dark circles below his eyes, hair wild and unkept and the colour drained from his face. He silently glanced at Jason before his eyes flickered to Percy, gaze unreadable and blank, before he shuffled back into his room, like a ghost of himself.

Augustus's appearance struck Jason hard. The usually composed and charming son of Hermes now seemed like a shadow of his former self. The stark change was palpable—his exhaustion, his disheveled look, and the blankness in his eyes spoke volumes about the toll their current situation had taken on him.

Jason carried Percy to his quarters with a heavy heart, trying to ignore the sight of Augustus retreating. The burden of their quest and the loss of their friends had clearly taken its toll on everyone, and Augustus's state was just another sign of the pressure they were all under.

Inside the room, Jason laid Percy down gently on the cot, ensuring he was comfortable and restrained within the containment field Leo had set up. As he worked, he couldn't help but think about the strain that must be affecting everyone on board. They were all struggling in their own ways, grappling with grief, fear, and exhaustion.

Jason walked to his own bedroom with a heavy heart, throat clogged up as he tried to hold back his sobs, immediately falling into Daphne's arms as he stepped inside. "I wish I could fix this,"

Daphne wrapped her arms around Jason tightly, her own heart aching as she felt his tremors. The weight of their situation was heavy on everyone, and seeing Jason so vulnerable only underscored the depth of their collective despair.

"None of this is your fault, Jason," Daphne whispered soothingly, her voice barely above a murmur. "You're doing everything you can. We all are."

Jason's shoulders shook with the force of his emotions, and he clung to Daphne as if her presence alone could anchor him. "I just... I thought we'd be able to handle this. But seeing Percy like that, and Augustus..."

Daphne gently pushed him back to look into his eyes. "We're facing impossible odds. But remember, we're not alone in this. We have each other. We have to hold on to that, no matter how hard it gets."

"We have each other Daphne," Jason whispered, "Percy and Augsutus don't, their person is down there, in Tartarus, goddamit what if they aren't even alive-"

"Stop," Daphne spoke with a trembling voice. "Jason, we can't afford to think like that. We have to believe in hope, even when it feels impossible."

Jason's voice cracked as he continued, "It's just so hard to keep believing when everything seems to be falling apart. Percy is hurting so much because Juliet is in Tartarus. Augustus is lost without Annabeth. I swear Daphne, I swear on my life if the god ever asked anything else of me, I would rather die than help them."

Thunder boomed above the ship, but the determination in Jason's eyes was unparalleled and Daphne knew, he'd just signed himself away.

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