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Daphne knew something was up as soon as she heard about the new camper being a son of Neptune, and her suspicions were soon confirmed when she spotted Percy Jackson walking around camp. Daphne's first instinct had been to fall on her knees and beg for forgiveness, it was the least, the very least she could do after what the boy had gone through.

But to her shock, Percy didn't remember anything, nothing except the name Juliet Alexander, a girl who Daphne again owed an apology to, and a girl who was upon further inception long dead.

She stared at the pile of letters kept in her bedroom, all of them dressed to the blonde girl begging for forgiveness, Daphne had never been good at expressing her emotions verbally, a characteristic of every roman demigod, so she chose to write, write out everything she felt and give them to people. But now she would not be able to give it to Juliet. She thought about giving them to Percy, but Reyna had stooped her saying something about secrets and Lupa.

Now Daphne sat with Percy at the Fifth Corhort table, Percy was stabbing everything on his plate as well as everything with his eyes, he looked as if somebody had pissed in his food, which was to be sort of expected considering the boy was greek, also if Daphne remembered clearly from all the spying she had done on Luke to retrieve information for Jason, Percy Jackson was Achilles reincarnate, it was normal for the boy to be angry at them.

"You know me," Percy spoke it like a statement, because he was sure Daphne knew him after she had sobbed on the floor infront of him begging for forgiveness, "Please tell me-"

"I don't know you per say," Daphne spoke soothingly, he was already frustrated she didn't need to get on his nerves more, "I-I met Juliet once,"

Percy's gaze snapped to her, as if the name of Juliet was a trigger, before his eyes turned agonisingly sad as he turned back to his food, "She's not alive is she?" His voice cracked as he ran a hand through his grey streaked hair.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything," Daphne turned away, steeling a breath before saying, "For all harm my mistakes might have caused, I'm willing to owe you my life as debt, if you ask me to kill myself for you I will-"

"Yeah, cool, I definitely go around asking people to kill themselves for me," Percy drawled giving her an unimpressed look, before stabbing his beans again, "You apology is tentative in acceptance until I get my memories back,"

Daphne nodded readily, Percy sipped the orange juice that he'd turned blue with Frank's help, "So what's up with that crazy string cheese dude?"

"Oh Octavian, a legacy of Apollo, he's our Augur," Daphne tried to find the words for Augur in greek but Percy apparently understood as he scoffed, "He looks ugly as hell aren't people related to Apollo exceptionally beautiful and what is up with the teddy bear burnings? What is this whole cohort system? Why is everyone pissing me off? And why the fuck are we in California? I fucking hate California, this drink isn't even the right shade of blue for fucks sake,"

Daphne didn't know what to do help the boy so she rested to patting his back hesitantly, "Maybe  you can use this frustration for war games?"

"Percy, um" Both Daphne and Percy looked up when Hazel walked towards them calling Percy out, she had her brother following him and by the look Nico was offering Percy, she knew that the kid knew Percy too. "My brother wanted to meet you,"

"Wassup?" Percy muttered not even looking up staring at his blue juice as if it was poison, then he finally looked up and scrunched his nose,"I—I know you."

Nico raised his eyebrows. "Do you?" He looked at Hazel for explanation.

Hazel hesitated. Something about her brother's reaction wasn't right, even Daphne knew it wasn't right. He was trying hard to act casual, but when he had first seen Percy, they had noticed his momentary look of panic. Nico already knew Percy. She was sure of it. Why was he pretending otherwise?

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