Part 3

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I was woken up by Nika shaking me. "Ana wake up" she whispered. "Stop it. I'm awake." I opened my eyes and saw smiling Nika. "Why are you smiling?" I asked. "We landed,girl" I got excited as well. We got up and started walking when someone crashed into me. "What the hell?" I said. "Sorry I didn't see you there." I turned around and saw the blue eyed guy. "Ohh it's okey" i said and smiled. "what's your name, beautiful?" He said smirking "i'm Ana" "Okey, now what's your full name?" He said."Ana Monroe" "Ahhh a beautiful name for a beautiful girl" I blushed "what's your name" I said looking into his blue eyes. "My name is Na-" and he got interrupted by my brother saying"Ana let's go!" I quickly smiled at stranger"It was nice meeting you" and ran of to my brother and Nika."So what's his name?" Nika asked. "I don't know,he interrupted us" I said pointing at my brother. "Damn it" Nika said kinda angry at my brother Rok. We started walking to the exit. I called a taxi and he took us to our rented house. It was beautiful, it wasn't a big house and not small it was medium and just right for us. When we stepped in, there was a living room and on the right there was a kitchen and a dining room. Then upstairs there were 3 bedrooms and 1 guest room. I picked the one that had light blue walls and a walk in closet. Nika picked the one that had also light blue walls and a walk in closet. And my brother choose the one that was left, the one that had white walls and a closet. I started to unpack. I put my clothes in my closet, I put my phone on my desk and my laptop too. I was just putting away my shoes when my phone made a noise. And again and again. I took my phone and saw that a lot of people followed me on Twitter and a lot of them twitted me sayin "@supergrierfan1: your so lucky he followed you." And "@MyBaeNash: who are you? Are you Nash's girlfriend?" The twittes were the same. I decided to search who was Nash Grier. I saw the blue eyed guy that was at the airport. Then scrolled down a bit and saw a group photo of guys and there was a sign at the back sayin 'MAGCON' . I ran out of my room and into Nika's. She was already done with unpacking and she was on her laptop. "Hey, you know the blue eyed guy that was at the airport?" I started. "Yeah what's with him?" "Well he kinda followed me on Twitter and he is kinda famous and his fans are kinda freaking out" I told her and she looked confused "Wait what?" "Just google Nash Grier" she googled him and got excited. "OMG a famous person is following you and he has a crush on you" she said smiling. "Wait how do you know he has a crush on me?" I asked confused "Because of his tweet!" "What tweet??" She showed me his Twitter page and his last tweet, it said '@NashGrier: It was nice meeting you too today 😘 @Ana_Monroe' I felt butterflies in my stomach."See he has a crush on you" Nika said "Yeah yeah, we won't see each other again. So who cares?" I said all calm "I care! I will get you two together!" She said and winked at me "Yeah whatever loser" I said and walked out the door to my room. It was already 8pm so I decided I'll go watch YouTube videos. I saw a New video of Dolan twins and it was with Cameron Dallas, he was cute. I continued watching Camerons videos when Nash was in on of them, I watched his videos and damn he's funny. I looked at the clock and it was already 11pm. I decided to go to sleep.

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