Part 13

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Ana's POV

I walked to the mini fridge and took out a water bottle and wanted to go sit on my spot, but Nash was sitting on my spot. I just rolled my eyes and walked to the back room where the bed was. I sat on it and drank my water. Then I laid on it and went on Twitter and again looked at the trend 'NashAndMadisonHug'. God I hate her so bad. Then I heard the door open and saw Nash standing there. "Can we talk?" He asked me. "Nahh go back to Madison." I replied. "I don't know what's going on with you these days we were completely fine this morning at the beach, but after you went to the restroom at the restaurant you weren't the same. I want to know why?" I didn't want to tell him, but I had to. "I doesn't matter. I hope you and Madison are happy together." I said and tried to walk out, but Nash grabbed my hand and turned me around, so now we were really close to each other. "We are not together." He said kind angry at what I said. "Well it looks like it." Thinking about the picture. "I don't know what you are talking about." He said. "Go on Twitter and you'll find out." I simply said. He was looking deep into my eyes and started to lean in to kiss me. Then the door opened and Madison was standing there. "I am interrupting something?" She asked. Nash said "Yes." But I said "No." "Well I just wanted to talk to my new friend." She said looking at me with a fake smile. "Okey. I'm going to leave you guys." Nash said with a smile. And with that he left. "I tought I was clear! I told you to stay away from Nash and Cam! But nooo you don't listen!" She yelled while pushing me to the wall. "We were just talking." I calmly replied. "You almost kissed!!" She yelled again. "No we didn't!" I raised my voice. "I'll just give a warning!" She said. "Fine!" I yelled at her.

Nash's POV

I walked to the seat and went on Twitter I wanted to know what Ana was talking about. I looked at the trends and the third one was 'NashAndMadisonHug'. Fuck. I looked at the photos they were of me and Madison hugging today. That's why Ana is mad. But she was in a bad mood before she hugged me. "Nika did you know about this?" I asked her and showed her the picture. "Yes." She said. "Why the fuck didn't you tell me?!" I said. "Hey! Don't raise your voice at her." Justin warned me. "Sorry." I said feeling bad. "You would be dead by now if she wouldn't ask me to not say anything." She said. Then we heard yelling from the bedroom. We ran in there and saw that Madison slapped Ana and they started to fight. Justin ran to Madison and tried to pull her away, while I was pulling Ana back. "Madison! Stop!" Justin yelled at her. "She attacked me!" She yelled back. "You started this! Now lets go!" He said and pulled her out of the room. "What has gotten into you?" I asked Ana, when we were alone in the room. "Nothing! Just go to her..." She said and feel on the floor crying. "Ana..." I pulled her in for a hug. We sat on the bed and started to talk. "I know why you were mad at me... I can explain." I said. "No. I don't want to hear-" I interrupted her. "When I got back to the restaurant, I sat down and she came to our table and greeted Cam. I guess she knew him. Then she wanted to talk to me and I was confused. Why did she want to talk to me if she didn't even knew me. I said that she wants me to help her to get her with Cam. I agreed but not sure of why she wanted my help. Then she hugged me. And that was it." I said holding her hands. "Well that's not what she told me.." She said back at me. "Well what did she tell you?" She took a deep breath. "When i went to the restroom she was there and said that I need to leave you and Cam alone. And that Justin found her on YouTube because she's hot. And now she told me that I didn't listen to her and that this will be a warning and then she slapped me. A-and I stared a fight." She said. "Well you had your reasons." I said back at her. She didn't reply. "Ana?" I looked at her and saw that she feel asleep. She looked beautiful while she was sleeping. I placed her head on a pillow and covered her with a blanket and walked out.

I saw Madison and Justin talking. I walked up to them. "I said I'm sorry, Justin." "Yeah you did, but to the wrong person." He said. "You want me to apologize to Ana?? Hell to the no!" She said angrily. "You will apologize to her or I'll kick you of the plane!" I kinda yelled at her. "Fine!!" She got up and went to the restroom. "Are you two okey now?" Justin asked. "Yeah we are." I said smiling. I went back to the bed where Ana was and I sat on the bed and looked at her for a while. I know that's creepy. Then I cuddled up with her and feel asleep.

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