Part 40

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Ana's POV

When Nash came out of the bathroom he gave me a little wink before I walked in. I just laughed a little. I fixed my hair and makeup. I walked back out and to my suitcase and grabbed my black ripped high waisted shorts, a black beanie, dark red crop top with a cool design and black converse. I felt a pair of hands on my waist and they turned me around. "You look beautiful." Nash said. "Thank you." I said kissing him. We then walked down to the lobby and he greeted some fans and took pictures with them. I saw a group of girls looking at me and smiling, so I decided to go talk to them. "Hey guys." I said smiling at them. "Hey Ana. Can I have a picture?" One of them asked. "Of course." I said and we toke a selfie. I took selfies with other girls too. "Is that a hickey?" One of them asked me and the other girls giggled. "Noooo... It's amm.. It a mosquito bite and you know I scratched it and ammm... Yeah it's a hickey." I said and they laughed at me. "From who is it?" The same girl asked. "It from Na-" before I could finish Nash came and interrupted me. "Hey girls. Can I steal Ana from you?" Nash asked and smiled at them. "Yeah of course." They said exited. The event started and it was fun. The guys danced on stage and invited some fans on it. But then it was over. Before Nash could come to me I was already in our room in our bed. Yeah maybe I was pretending I was asleep. I heard the door open and close. "Ana I know you're awake." I didn't say anything. I guess he laid in bed because the bed cracked. I felt his hands on my stomach. And he started tickling me. I started to laugh, I mean what was I supposed to do. "I knew you were awake." He said looking down at me. "Fine you got me." I said laughing a little. "Now where did we left off?" Nash asked but he knew the answer. "Well w-" He kissed me before I could finish. It got pretty heated. I pulled his shirt off, feeling his muscles. Then he pulled of my shirt. He started kissing me down to my neck, down on my stomach and when he got to the panties he placed a kiss there and looked up at me. "You know we wont do it, right?" He asked me. "Ohh okey." I said kinda sad because I want to lose my virginity to him. "What's wrong?" He asked coming closer to my face. "I thought I'm goin to lose my virginty to you." "Ohh babe if I knew I would make it more special and we're finally together, well not really. I don't want to make you feel used." He said and it made sense. "Yeah I know, I know." I said. "But since we're talking about being together... Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked and I could barely see his face but I knew he was smiling. "Yes." I said and kissed him. We kissed for a while and then we cuddled and feel asleep.

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