Part 27

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Ana's POV

We finally arrived to the premier. First when we stepped out of the car we needed to pose for paparazzis. Cameron wanted paparazzis to take a photo just of us, so he pulled me to him. I had to smile for a couple of minutes and then I felt a hand touching mine and pulled me to him. It was Nash "Can you pretend you're not mad at me?" He asked me. "Who said I was still mad?" I said with a smile and he smiled back. We posed for pictures. Then me and Nika posed and so on. Then the guys had mini interviews. Me and Nika were just standing there until one interviewer said "Hey guys come here!" We walked over to him. "You're Nika Hudgens and Ana Monroe, right?" He asked. "Yeah that's us." Nika said and smiled. "So Nika we heard that you're filming a movie. Are you exited?" "Yes I am. I can't wait for you to see it. But we just started filming so you won't see it yet." She said smiling at him. "And you're dating Justin. How is that and how do you deal with hate?" He asked. "He's just sweet and supportive. And about the hate, I don't really go on Twitter and stuff like that anymore, I usually go but only to see what my friends are posting." "And you Ana. We saw you hanging out with Nash and Cam. So my question is, who do you like better?" "They are my good friends and I can't pick the one I like more. But yeah I do have a crush on one." I said blushing a little. "And can you tell us which one is it?" He asked wanting to know my answer. "No, sorry. Maybe in the future." I said. "Do you have any plans to start a career here in LA, like Nika did?" "Yes ,I do have something in my mind." I said winking at the camera. "Alright. Thank you for the answers." "Yeah no problem." Nika said and we walked into a big cinema. We handed our tickets to this big guy that was collecting them. We sat in the front and started to talk. "So who is you crush?" Nika asked winking at me. "Pffff... I don't have a crush." I said and laughed. "Yeah you do. So which one is it?"   "Its..."

Nash's POV

"So we spoke to Ana earlier. And she said she has a crush." The interviewer said. "Oh really? That's good for her." I said. Of course she has a crush on Cam. "But she didn't tell us who it is.Maybe it's you or maybe it's Cameron. But the question is, do you like her?" He asked. "Yeah I do." I said smiling. "That's nice. Do you have any plans for this year?"     "Yeah I do. Me and the guys are going on a tour. In a couple of days." I replied. "That's cool. Is there gonna be any ladies joining you on tour?"     "I hope so." I said and we laughed. "Well thanks man. Enjoy  the movie." And with that I walked in the cinema. I walked to the front and heard Ana say "Yeah he's my crush." Damn now I don't know who her crush is. I sat down beside her. "Hey." She said smiling. "Hi. So how was the red carpet?" I asked them. "It was fun. One interviewer wanted to talk to us." Nika said. "That's amazing." I said looking at Ana.

Cameron's POV

"So I talked to Nash and he said he has a crush. Do you have a crush?" This guy asked me. "Nope not really." I said simply. "Are you sure. I mean we have pictures of you and Ana."     "Yeah we're good friends, but Nash likes her so I don't want to ruin our friendship." "That's nice of you. Are you going on a tour with Nash and the guys?" He asked. "Yeah I am. I can't wait." I said exited. "Well I'll let you go in and enjoy the movie." He said and I walked in. I walked to my seat and saw Nash sitting on it and Ana next to him. I need to forget what I'm feeling towards her. I sat down beside Nash and the movie started.

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