Part 16

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Nika's POV

I was sleeping like a baby until I got woken up by my phone ringing. I got up and answered. "Hello. Is this Nika Hudgens?" A womens voice said. "Yes." I said kinda confused. "I'm calling you to tell you that auditions are tomorrow. And don't forget to bring your script." She said and hung up. I totally forgot about the audition. What am I going to tell Justin and others? I ruined our vacation. God I feel bad. I went to the bathroom and did my duty and brushed my teeth. I put my hair in a ponytail and walked to Ana's room. I knocked and Matt answered. "Ohh hey Nika." He said with his sleepy voice. "Hi. Is Ana awake?" I asked him. "Yeah. Come on in." He said and I walked ito the sofa where Ana was sitting. "I have to talk to you in private." I whispered to her. "Okey. Let's go to the park me and Matt went yesterday." She whispered back. "Okey." I said "Hey guys. We are going out." Ana said. "Okey. Have fun." Matt said. Nash was in the shower and screamed "BYEE!!!" We laughed and went outside. When we came to the park we sat one a bench. "Soo... They called me about the audition..." I said. "Really that's amazing." She said excited. "Yeah I know. But there's one problem." I said. "What is the problem?" Ana said not so excited anymore. "Well auditions are tomorrow." I said feeling bad. "Ohh yeah that sucks. But I'm sure Justin will understand." She said smiling. "I hope so. I ruined our vacation." I said feeling even worse. "You didn't. It's been only one or two week since our vacation started and we still have over a month till we need to go back home." She said smiling at me. "Thansk. Let's go back to the hotel."

When we came to the hotel Ana went to her room and I went to mine. I saw Justin watching TV. "Where did you go? I didn't get my good morning kiss." He said while fake crying. "Haha sorry I went to the park with Ana." And then I kissed his lips. "Ohh what did you do?" "Well we talked about something that happened this morning. And I need to tell you too." I said nervous. "What is it?" "Well I go a call this morning about my first audition..." I said looking down. "That's awesome. I'm happy for you." He said smiling. "Yeah but the audition is tomorrow." I said. "Well I guess we won't be going to Hawaii today." He said. "Wait? Hawaii??" I said excited. "Yeah. We'll be going there after your audition tomorrow." He said smiling. "Really?" I said looking at him. "Yes." "You're the best!" I said jumping into his lap and kissed him. "I know I am." We laughed. "I'll go tell the others that we will leave tomorrow after audition." He said and walked out the door.

He came back after 10 minutes. "Now let's go around town." I jumped of the sofa and almost fell over. Justin just laughed at me but then helped me up. We went to Olympiapark and walked around for a bit and then went to Olympiaturm. The view from up there was amazing. We saw the BMW Headquarters, but we didn't go in there because I don't really like cars. We also saw the Allianz Arena and alot more stuff. We walked around the park and fans came up to Justin, even though he was wearing a hoodie they recognize him. He took some pictures and then we went back to the hotel.

When we got back I changed my clothes so they were more comfortable. I picked out white high waisted jeans, black cropped sweater and black boots. I heard someone knocked on the door. "Nika let's go!!!" I heard Nash yell. "I'm coming!!" I yelled back and picked up my suitcase and walked out the door. Our cars were already waiting for us and we entered it and drove off to the airport.

Fans were already there like always. They took a lot of photos(the one that's up there😁). When we got on the private jet I went to the 'bedroom' and feel asleep.

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