Part 7

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Ana's POV

I was waiting and waiting. It was already 9pm, but then I heard a car. I jumped of the sofa and looked out of the window and saw a black car. I went outside and waited to see who it was. It was Nash. "Hey Ana you forg-" he looked at me. "Wow you look gorgeous." I blushed. "Thanks. Don't want to be rude but why are you here?" I asked. "Well yesterday you forgot your purse in my car so I came to give it back to you." He said handing me my purse. "Ohh thanks." "Yeah no problem. So why are you all dressed up?" I felt even more disappointed. "Well Matt was supposed to take me on a date but he never came." I said looking at the floor. "Ohh nothing new for Matt. He isn't really a relationship guy." He said calm. "Ohh... I didn't know that." Any more disappointments? "Yeah. Well how about I take you on a date?" I looked at him weirdly. "You? When we meet you didn't even say hello. But at the airport you were acting like a total flirt. I don't know." I saw he got kinda sad because of what I said. "Well yesterday you were all over me." He said winking at me. "Sure whatever." "How about we start over?" He said with a smile. "That would be great." I smiled back. "Hi, I'm Nash Grier. And you are?" My smile grew bigger. "Hi Nash. I'm Ana." "So you wanna go on a date now." He said and laughed. "That would be lovely." I said and he opened the door and I sat in the car as we drove to somewhere.

Nika's POV

Justin stopped driving after a while. I looked around and saw that we were at the restaurant. He opened the door for me and we got in. "Reservation for Justin Bieber." Justin said and the waiter showed us to our table. The table was my the window and the view was amazing. We were at the beach restaurant. We both ordered spaghetti. Then the waitres came with our food. "Here's your food. And can I have a photo with you Justin?" She asked. Ohh she was a beliber. I didn't mind him taking a selfie with her. "Thank you so much. And here's my number. Call me." She said and winked. Justin took the paper from her and waited till she went away. "Did she like, not see me or something?" I asked him. "Are you jealous?" He said with a smirk. "Me? Pffff nahh.. Well maybe.." I said and looked at my hands. "It's okey princess." He said and smiled at me. He gave me the paper with waitresses phone number and said. "I don't need any other girl. I have you." I blushed so bad. I ripped the paper and threw it on the ground. "Now that's take care of. How about we finish this dinner, so I can take you somewhere else?" He said and I agreed. I looked out the window and saw Ana, but that wasn't Matt beside her it was Nash. "Hey Justin. Where's Matt?" I asked Justin. "I don't know. He was supposed to be with Ana. Why?" "Well he's definitely not with her." I said pointing at them. "Again?" He said to himself. "What?" I asked confused. "Well he always forgets to go on a date or he's to shy to go on a date, in this case he's to shy." "Let's just go" I said. We started to drive again and I can't wait to se where he is taking me now.

Ana's POV

While we were driving Nash told me what I was doing yesterday. I felt so embarrassed. We arrived to the beach ,it looked so peaceful and quiet. Because it was late that's why. "You should really take of your high heels." Nash suggested and I did what he said. We started to walk along the water. "So tell me about yourself." He said. "Well when I was 6 years old my parents divorced and then kids at school made fun of me for that, because they didn't know what it's like having divorced parents. The same girl bullied me for 9 years of school. So that wasn't a really great filling. And then in 5th grade I meet Nika. And we became best friends. I'm so lucky I have her, because if I didn't I don't know where I would be right now." We talked about him too. Like how is it being a YouTuber and a Viner. And that he is going to DigiFest. And a lot of fun stuff. Then Nash picked me up and wanted to throw me into the water but failed we both fell in the water. We just laughed it of and he started to splash water in my face and I did that back at him. We walked back to the car where he had towels. "Thank you." I said. "For what?" "For taking me on this amazing date." I smiled. "No problem, I had fun." And with that we sat in the car and started driving again.

Nika's POV

We were driving up the hill. I didn't know where we were going. But as we stopped I could see the Hollywood sign. He took out a blanket and put it on the ground. We sat and looked at the stars. "This is so beautiful." I said. "You know what is more beautiful?" He smiled. "What?" I asked. "You." He said and bit his bottom lip and started to lean in for a kiss. I could help my self so I crashed my lips onto his. But then we saw a light flash. "Damn it! Paparazzis!" Justin said and grabbed my hand and blanket. We ran into the car and started to drive back to my house. When we got there he said. "Sorry. Paparazzis really bother me sometimes." "It's okey, Justin. Don't blame yourself." He smiled and kissed my lips. "Goodnight princess." He said. "Goodnight." I said back at him and waved. With that walked into the house and into the bathroom. I changed into pajamas and took of my makeup. And went to sleep.

Ana's POV

When he stopped at my house he opened the door and helped me out. "Again thank you." I said again. "Stop saying thank you. It's okey, because I had to make up for being rude to you." "Yup you were mean to me at first, but now I can see your not that bad." I said and giggled. "Thanks." We laughed. "Well I guess this is goodnight." He said and kissed my cheek. I knew I blushed. "Goodnight beautiful." "Goodnight handsome." Were so cute we have nicknames for each other. What am I even saying?? I walked into the house and my brother wasn't waiting for me like always. So I walked into my room and changed my clothes and drifted to sleep.

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