Part 5

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When we got in the club Matthew lead us to the table with 2 guys and 1 girl. "Hey guys I'm back and I brought some friends with me. This is Ana" he said and pointed at me. "And this is Nika." She started freaking out whe she saw who was sitting at the table. It was Justin. The Justin Bieber. She tried to stay calm, lucky she did which was weird. She sat down beside him and they started talking. Then Matt introduced me to Anesa. She was gorgeous, she had long brown hair and blue eyes, but she was smaller than me. We exchanged number, I think we will be great friends. Then was the guy I couldn't see his face properly because of the lights flashing. "Ana this is Nash. Nash this is Ana." Wait is that the Nash that was at the airport? And the one that followed me on Twitter? Nahhh it can't be. He didn't even say hi or something. Wow he is so 'nice'. I saw Justin grabbing Nika's hand and dragging her on the dance floor. They were dancing really close. I yelled "Get some!!!" And they laughed. I sat beside Matt and Nash, Anesa sat beside Nash. "So shall me and my date go dance?" Matt asked me and smiled. "Wait she's your date?" Nash asked. Why does he even care. He's mean. "Yeah she is. Why?" "Amm... Nothing." He's weird. "Okey? Let's go Ana." Matt said and grabbed my hand. "He was acting weird, right?" I asked him. "Yeah he was. But forget him, let's have fun." We started dancing. First we danced alone but still close to each other. Matt went and brought back some drinks. It was my first time drinking something alcoholic. We started dancing closer and closer until out bodys were touching. We drank a couple of drinks more. I turned to out table and saw Nika and Justin exchanging numbers. I hope Nika was being a good girl cause I wasn't. I saw Nash looking at me with a smirk, I ignored it. I didn't feel Matthew's hand on me anymore so I turned around. He wasn't there, I got scared. What if something happened to him. I walked to our table, but I tripped and fell into Nashes lap. "Ups I guess I'm a little dizzy." I said and giggled. "Yeah I can see that. Where is you date?" He said all calm. "I don't know, I lost him on the dance floor." I replied. "Well I need to take you home, because you're a mess." He said "What about Nika?" "Ohh her? Justin took her home." "Well then, let's go" I said and ran out. Nash followed me and took me to his car. I waited for him to open my door. "Ohh where's the gentleman when you need him?" I said. I looked at him and he smiled. "Well I guess I have to be one right now." "Yop you do." I said and laughed. He opened the door. "Thank you, you're a kind man." He laughed. "Yeah sure whatever you say." We drove to my house and listened to music on the radio. I tried to sing the songs but I failed. Nash was just laughing at me the whole ride. When we got there he parked the car and helped me get out. I took my high heels off and threw them to the door. "Why did you do that?" Nash asked confused. "I didn't feel like carrying them." He laughed. The front door open and it was my brother. "Why are you here?" He said to Nash. "I drove her here because she had to many drinks." "You did this to her, didn't you?!?" My brother got angry. "No I didn't." Nash said calmly. "Yeah, he was being a gentleman." I said and giggled. "Well you can go now!" "Okey I'm going. See yaa Ana." He said and smiled. "See ya Nashy." I said smiling. I ran upstairs to my room and locked it. I didn't want to deal with my brother. I jumped on the bed and fell asleep.

Nika's POV
(Before she went home)

Justin took my hand and lead me to the dance floor. We started dancing really close. Any belieber would want this and I'm so lucky that I'm the one. I heard Ana yell "Get some!!" And we laughed. We danced for a couple of minutes when Ana and Matt joind us. All of us were dancing. Later Justin took me back to our table. We sat down and Justin put his hand on my shoulder. I felt butterflies in my stomach, who am I kidding it was like a Jurassic World. "What, are they like together or something?" Nash asked me. "Nope. They meet today at the beach." "Okey..." He replied. "So do you wanna go on vacation with me and the boys." Justin whispered to me. "Wait really?" I said excited. "Yeah you can go." "But what about Ana?" I asked. "Matt will ask her tonight." "Are you sure? Look at him." I pointed at Matt and Ana. They were drunk. "Well maybe you can ask her tomorrow." He laughed. " Yeah I will." For 10minutes I just sat there I didn't know what to do and Justin was talking to Nash. "Hey Justin, can you take me home?" I asked him. "Hey of course." We walked to his car and he open the door. We listened to the radio when his song came on (Baby) . "Ahh I love singing this song." He said. "Heyy me too." And we started singing it. We got to my house and he opened the door again. He grabbed my hands. "I had fun tonight. Thanks for making this night more special." He said smiling. "No thank you. I finally meet you." I said and blushed. He place a small kiss on my cheek. "I'll text you tomorrow." He said and licked his bottom lip. "Okey, goodnight." I said and waved him. I walked in and saw Rok on the sofa. "Hey. Where's Ana?" He asked. "She is coming home later. Night." I said and walked upstairs. I took a shower, brushed my teeth. Took of my makeup and changed into my pajamas. I walked to my bed and jumped in it and slowly fell asleep while thinking of this night.

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