Part 14

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Ana's POV

I got woken up by someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw Nika. "Hey wake up we are about to land." She said with a smile. "Ohh and wake up Nash." She said I looked behind me and saw Nash. I smiled and whispered "Nash we are about to land." He looked at me for a second and turned around. "I don't want to get up." I started to shake him harder. "Come on, Nash." He finally got up. He went up to me and hugged me. We went into kinda living room. Nika and Justin were talking, Anesa was still sleeping. That girl always sleeps. And then Madison and Matt were at the corner of this room , whispering. "Ana can I talk to you?" Justin said standing up. "Yeah sure." Nash sat beside Nika and we sat at the table. "Okey I have two questions. Are you and Nash okey now? And do you mind if me and Nika go somewhere alone on this stop of vacation?" I had to think for a couple of seconds and than I spoke. "Yeah I guess we are okey. And no I don't mind at all." I said smiling at him. He got up and went back to Nika.

Nika's POV

Nash sat beside me. "Hey Nika i need your help." He said to me. "What's up?" "I want to do something special for Ana, but I don't have any ideas." He said looking down at his shoes. "Well I don't know where we are but take her to see some interesting stuff." He looked up at me and smiled. "That's an amazing idea. Thanks." He said and got up. Him and Justin switch places. "Hey princess. Wanna do something later today?" "Hey. Yeah sure. Where are we landing?" I asked him. "Germany." He said with a smile. "Awesomee." I said and laughed.

We landed 10 minutes later. We stepped out of the jet and there were already a lot of fans here. They were screaming. We walked to the black vanband started driving to the hotel. Me and Justin shared rooms. Anesa and Madison shared room. And Matt, Nash and Ana shared a room. I hope they will be okey. We were all jet lagged so we went to bed. Me and Justin cuddled up. "Goodnight Justin." I said. "Night Nika." He said and kissed my cheek.

Ana's POV

We were in our hotel room watching movies. Because none of us really tired. "Hey guys I'm going to take a shower." I said and opened Nash's suitcase. "What are you looking for?" He asked me. "Well I forgot my pajamas so I need a shirt." I said smiling at him. "Well you can have this one." He said and took off the shirt he was wearing. "Thanks." I took my panties and went to the shower. When I was done I pulled Nash 's shirt over my head and it smelled just like him.

Nash's POV

Me and Matt were just watching, when I felt a phone vibrate in my pocket. I looked at my phone but I didn't get a message. Then I took Ana's phone which she left in my pocket and looked at the message it was from Matt.

M: You look beautiful. Xx

It said. I didn't know her password so I couldn't read the message they sent to each other. I put the phone back in my pocket. "So you and Ana?" Matt said. "What about us?" "You two together?" He asked. I smirked "Nope." "Oh then I can have her." "She's not an object. You can't just take her when you want to." I said kind angry. "Woah there calm down. I know she's not and object. But you know I went after her first." He said. "You didn't." I replied. "Yes I di-" he got interrupted by Ana. "Hey guys." She said with a smile. "Hey. You look good in my shirt." I said making her blush. "Thanks." She said and sitting on a bed. "Ammm... There's only two beds. So I guess you guys will share one." She said laughing. "Nooo. I'm going to sleep on the couch." I said. "Noo you can't." "But I will now go to sleep." I said. "Fine grumpy." She said. "Goodnight guys." She added. "Goodnight beautiful." Me and Matt said at the same time.

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