Part 21

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Nika's POV

"What's wrong?" I asked Anesa. "Well I went into Nashs and Madisons room and I saw them making out." She told us. "Ohh and why are you wet?" She asked laughing. "I tought he liked Ana. And we were swimming." Justin said. "I tought so too." I said feeling confused. "I'll talk to him tomorrow." Justin said. Anesa left the room and now we were alone. "So do you have those red thongs in your suitcase?" Justin asked me with a smirk. "Maybe." I winked at him. "Well go put them on." He said still smirking. I went to my suitcase and got them out and went into the bathroom. I quickly changed and walked back to the bed. "Damn you look good in those." Justin said pulling me to him so our bodies were touching. We started to make out and now we were laying on the bed when we heard a knock on the door. "Ohhh my food is here." Justin said walking to the door. "You're still hungry?" I asked. "Yeah." He said taking the food from the guy. "I'm going to call Ana." I said and walked to the sofa and called Ana.

Ana's POV

I didn't know what to do. Do I wanna kiss him? Yeah he's cute and stuff, but what do I feel for Nash? Lucky I didn't have to decide. My phone started ringing "Oh sorry I have to take this." I said and he looked kinda disappointed. "Hey Ana I need to talk to you." Nika said on the phone. "Okey. Tell me what's wrong?" I asked. "I'll just get to the point. Nash and Madison kissed today." "What?!" I kinda started freaking out. "Yeah. I thought he liked you." "I tought so to, but I guess not. Anyway how are you and Cam?" She asked. "We are good. You?" "Well I don't know. We were at the beach together and then we went to the restaurant and then we went back to the hotel and had fun.." I interrupted her "How much fun?!" She laughed "Not a lot because the room service came because Justin ordered food." "Didn't you eat at the restaurant?" I asked. "Yeah we did." She said. "Hey I need to go because Cameron is making this weird faces and it's freaking me out. But just forget about what happened, you still have one day to enjoy." I said. "Yeah thanks byee." And we hung up. "Why were you making faces at me?" I asked Cameron while I was laughing . "I want to continue what we started." He said smiling. "We didn't start anything, but we can." I winked at him. He leaned in again but now his phone started ringing. "Really?" He asked while grabbing his phone and I started to laugh. "Ohh hey." Cameron said and walked out the room. Who was he talking to?

Cameron's POV

"What's up Nash?" Why was he calling me at this hour? "I fucking messed up." He said. "What happened?" "Madison and me kissed and Anesa saw us and probably told Ana." Yes! "Well what can I say? You fucked up." "Wow thanks like I didn't know. You need to help me." He said. "What do you want me to do? Tell her that she kissed you and you don't have any feelings for Madison?" I asked. "That's sounds good. Thanks man I knew you'd help me. Bye." And he hung up. Well shit. I went back to Ana's room and we went to sleep.

Anesa's POV

I was just getting ready to go to bed,when I got a text.

B: Hey Anesa! It's Brent :) do you wanna go to the beach with me tomorrow?
A: Yeah sure :)
B: All right see ya tomorrow;)

Omg I can't wait for tomorrow!!!

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