Part 8

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Nika's POV

I woke up feeling great. I walked downstairs and out the door to get newspaper. I picked it up and walked into the kitchen. I place it on the counter and made me tea. I took 3 cookies out of a bowl and sat on a chair. I looked at newspaper and saw something I never expected to see. It was me and Justin kissing. And it was one the front page. It said "Justins new girlfriend?". I wanted to know if Justin saw the picture.
N:Hey Justin have you seen the front page of the newspaper?
He hasn't replied. I looked at the clock it was 11am. I was kinda sad because he didn't reply. I washed the cup and went into the living room. I turned on TV and watched E! . Now it was E-news so I watched it. I was on Twitter when I heard Justin's name. I turned the volume higher. "Justin Bieber was seen kissing a brunette girl late at night at the hollywood sign. We searched for who this girl. It appears this is Nika Hudgens and she's 17 years old. She just finished school and want to become an actress." How did they know all that? "But don't worry folks we will get you more information on her and Justin. That's it for today." I turned off TV. I ran upstairs into Ana's room. "Ana I'm in the newspaper" I said and threw her the newspaper. "Omg." That's all she said. "Yeah I know and that's not all. I was on E! news." I said. "Shut up! Really?" "Yeah. And I asked Justin if he saw the newspaper but he didn't answer." I got sad. "Hey don't worry. Maybe he's busy." "Yeah... Maybe that's what it is." Ana saw that I was sad. "How about we have a girl day. You still need to buy me clothes." She said and laughed. "Okey. And you need to buy me clothes too." We laughed . "So we meet in the living room at 2pm?" I said. "That's okey with me." And with that I went back to my room. It was already 1pm, so I went to my closet and picked out and outfit. I picked out black crop top, light blue high waisted jeans and black converse. I put my hair in a high ponytail and curled the ends. I did my makeup, it was smokey I guess. It was 15 minutes to 2pm. So I walked downstairs into the living room. And Ana was already there. "What are you doing?" I asked her. "Just reading this letter Rok left us." I took the paper from her and read it.
'I'm sorry I had to go, but I want to get back together with my ex. I know you can take care of yourselves.
Much love, Rok!'
We were kinda happy he left. I mean he was always so protective of Ana. We called taxi and went to the mall. We first went to HotTopic. Then we went to eat something and people were giving us strange looks. We finished eating and went to Forever21, we picked out some dresses. It was about anout 5pm when we decided to go home. We placed our bags beside sofa and sat on it. We turned the TV on and switched to E! . What can I say, we love E! . "We spotted Nika Hudgens at the mall with her friend Ana Monroe. They were having we guess a girl day out. They were also spotted in a club with Justin, Nash, Matthew and other friends at the club Greystone Manor, two days ago. That it was for Nia wednesday's." We laughed. "I guess we are famous now." Ana said. "Yeah I guess. Justin still hasn't texted me." I said. "He will believe me." Ana said and winked. "Do you know something?" I asked confused. "Nope" she giggled. "Whatever" I said and walked to my room.

Ana's POV

I felt bad because I couldn't tell Nika about Justin. But it will be worth waiting for this awesome suprise.

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