Part 18

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Nika's POV

Me and Justin just got home and Ana and Nash weren't. "Where are they?" I asked. "I don't know. I'll call Nash." He called him and all I heard was 'what happened?' 'Which hospital?' and 'We're coming.' "So what happened?" I asked Justin. "Ohh Ana sprained her ankle. Let's go to the hospital." We sat in the car and went to see Ana.

Ana's POV

"I'm fine." I told Nash because he was asking me the same question over and over again. I just can't really walk normally so Nash is helping me get to the car. On the way we saw Justin and Nika. "Are you okey?" Nika asked me. "Yeah I'm fine." I said. "Are you able to go to Hawaii?" Justin asked. "Hawaii?! Why didn't you tell me? I wouldn't be jumping around if you'd tell me." I said and they laughed. "Well sorry." Justin said and laughed. "I guess I won't be going then." I said feeling mad at myself. "Let's go home and talk about this." And with that we drive home.

When we got home we sat on the sofa and talked. "I'm going to stay here with you." Nash said. "No. Go and have fun." I smiling. "Fine, but we can't leave you alone." He said. "Why not?" "Because you need to rest and if you need something that person is going to get it for you." He explained to me. "Ohh okey. And who is going look after me?" He was thinking. "How about Cam?" Justin suggested. "That's okey with me." I said. "Okey I'll call him." Nash said and called Cam. Cameron agreed to 'babysit' me and he's someing over at 5pm. "Nash let's go pack." Justin said and with that they left. "Help me pack?" Nika said with a smile. "Sure." I said and walked behind her to her room. "Just grab some crop tops and shorts." She said and I walked into her closet. I picked out some shirts and shorts and threw them at Nika. "HEEY!" She yelled. "Heeeey." I said laughing. "I didn't mean 'Heeeey' I meant 'HEEY'." We laughed even harder. "Can I borrow some of you bikinis?" She asked me. "Sure." I walked to my closet and picked out my favorite bikinis and walked back to her room. "There you go." I said handing her my bikinis. "Thanks. So what's with you and Nash?" She asked me while packing bikinis. "What about us?" I asked back. "Are you dating?" "Nope."
"Well I have a filling you will soon." She said winking at me. "Do you know something?" I asked her confused. "Nope." She winked at me again. "Stop winking at me." I said laughing. "Fine fine." She said and continued packing.

When Nika was done packing we went downstairs to the living. We watched Disney until we heard a doorbell. Nika stood up and went to the door. It was the guys. "Hey girls." Justin greeted us. "Heeeey." I said from the living room. "How is our patient?" Nash said to me. "Mehhh, good." I said looking back at TV. Then Cameron came in the living room and sat beside me. "Hi Ana. I will be your doctor for a couple of days." He smiling at me. "That's okey with me." I said giggling. "Nika are you ready?" Justin asked her. "Yeah lets go." She said. "Byeee!" I heard them yell and they went to the airport. Me and Cameron talked and watched movies, until a feel asleep on the sofa.

Nika's POV

When we got into Justins private jet we saw Anesa, Matt and of course Madison. When she saw us she ran straight to Nash and hugged him. This is going to be one hell of a vacation.

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