Part 34

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Ana's POV

As I walked into the room I saw Matt with shampoo on his face. I looked at him weird "It's not what it looks like." He said. I just laughed and sat on the bed. "It's shampoo. It's hotel shampoo." Nash said to the camera. "Oww. It got in my eye and it really hurts." Matt said. I got up and walked to the bathroom and got a towel and walked back. I gave the towel to Matt "Thanks." He said smiling at me. I looked at Nash and saw him looking at me, he quickly looked away. We didn't really talk after I called security. I sat back on the bed. They were just talking but I don't really know what about. Then Nash smacked Cameron across the face. I couldn't help myself from laughing. "You think that's funny?" Cameron asked me. I just continued laughing when he started to tickle me. Everyone was quiet so he stopped. Everyone in the room were looking at us. He sat back on the other bed. "Okey so Cameron just got destroyed." Matt said to the camera. "I killed him. So that's two people." Nash added. "So that's two people down. Nash obviously has a bounty on his head." Matt said. Nash went to sit on the bed at the back but he hit his head on a lap. I don't really know how but he did. "I saw that." I said laughing. They were doing the Q&A, kinda. A couple of minutes went by and Taylor smacked Sam. Everyone started laughing and jumping around the room. Sam ran in the bathroom and Nash took the camera in. Cameron followed him in the bathroom and smacked Nashs right cheek. "Ahhh my god." He said while laughing. Cameron was laughing so hard he didn't even make noises. Then Sam smacked Cameron in the ear. Taylor came out with his camera "That wasn't me." He said moving away. Matthew was filming Cameron "I can't hear. I can't hear." Cameron said. I called him to me so I can wipe it off. "Is my face red?" Nash asked. "Let me se. Turn around." Matt said. "I'm going to take it off." "Yeah man." Cameron looked at his ear in the mirror and came to me. "Here let me wipe it off." I said smiling. "Thanks." He said when I was done. "No problem." I said back at him and put the towel away. I heard that someone smacked someone in the other room. I went to check who it was. Apparently Nash smacked Carter. Taylor came to the room I was in "O my god. I hope I got that." He said laughing. They were very loud. We heard a knock on the door. "Ana go check who it is." Sam said. "What? Why me?" I asked. "You look innocent." Cameron said. "Fine." I agreed and walked to the door. I opened them and saw an angry guy. I bet he was a security. "You were being to loud." He said. "Ohh you mean the guys?" I said looking back at them. "Yeah I mean them. Just be quiet or you'll get kicked out." He said angry. "Okey I'm sorry." I said with a sad face. I mean i was trying to get boys out of trouble. "It okey. Just be quiet." He said and left. The guys finished the video and we went in to our rooms. Nash and Cameron were in the bathroom cleaning their faces and Matt was already asleep. I got in bed and closed my eyes. A couple of minutes later Nash came in the bed and the lights were off. He cuddled with me, I guess he tought I was asleep.

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