Prologue: The New Hero In Gotham City

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3rd POV:

In Gotham City.

In Gotham City

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Gotham City.

Gotham City is the home city of Batman and the Bat-Family. Though it first appeared in Detective Comics #27, it was first identified in Batman #4 (Winter 1940). Often depicted to be on the East Seaboard of the United States, Gotham has changed depiction, including with the city geography and architecture. From the Bronze Age of Comics, Gotham's politics has often been depicted as having heavy ties to organized crime and corruption. Gotham itself has become a major location in the DC Universe, with many characters like Superman, Swamp Thing, Green Lanterns and Justice League visiting the city on occasions.

The origins of Gotham City are somewhat shrouded in mystery. Many millennia ago, an evil warlock was buried alive beneath what would one day become the central island of Gotham. It is alleged that while the warlock laid in a state of torpor, his evil essence seeped into the soil, poisoning the ground with his dark, corrupt touch. By the warlock's own reasoning, he claims that he fathered the modern spirit of Gotham City and has even taken to calling himself Doctor Gotham.

The territory surrounding Doctor Gotham's burial spot was also the home of an ancient Native American tribe known as the Miagani. The Miagani inhabited the Gotham islands several centuries before European explorers ever crossed the Atlantic. The Miagani tribe is no longer in existence, and there is much speculation as to their final fate. One posited theory suggests that a shaman named Blackfire came to them, proclaiming to be a holy messenger. Within short order, however, Blackfire took control of the Miagani and proved to be a cruel and evil tyrant. The Miagani chieftain, Chief Paleface, demanded that Blackfire leave the tribe. Unfortunately, the shaman would not be silenced, and he struck down Paleface with his staff, killing him. The other Miagani revolted against Blackfire. They shot him with their arrows and tied him to a pole to die. Blackfire didn't die though, so the Miagani sealed him inside of a cave. They erected a totem in front of the tomb as a warning sign of the evil that resided within.

???: "HELP! HELP!" She shout out and she tries to push them away from her.

Thug 1: "Sorry, lady! No one is going to save you!" He said to her.

There was an alleyway where these 3 thugs are holding the poor woman down on the ground and one of them tries to rape her but until they tries to do something at her...out of nowhere something just throw at the thug and hit him in the back of his head. Then that they were surprise to seen their member got stabbed in the back of his head and make him was surprise in horror and fall down on the ground.

Thug 2: "What the fuck?!?" He said.

Thug 3: "Holy shit!" He said and the two of them got up from the ground and let the poor woman go and make them both were tries to find whoever doing this and out of nowhere someone who was stood on the rooftop's building by himself and he was stare down at the preys for what he is gonna kill. The poor woman was surprise for what she saw someone is up there and it looks like a tall dark figure who stood right there and a full moon behind at the person and revealed out...a shining knight by himself.

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