Chapter 19: The Reveal Of Moon Knight

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3rd POV:

Previously Of The Batman: The Light Knight In Gotham.

Poison Ivy: "Soon you and me will become parent.~" She said to him and she was caress his cheek with her left hand and she is in loving with (Y/N)...and possibly that she want to be with him badly.

Until out of nowhere Khonshu who was appeared beside with Pamela and he did not touch her but he know her is a good person and he sense her that she want to protecting her plant...and he just promise to her that she won't even die. Then he was turn his head to look at (Y/N)'s unconscious body and make him said.

Khonshu: "You may rise again, (Y/N) know that you aren't dead yet." He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yeah, I know...damn that poison was knock me out into unconscious." He told him and make the god was chuckle little bit and he said.

Khonshu: "That drug from Poison Ivy was really knock you out, my son.~" He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Tch...whatever...Oh shit." He said to himself and make him was tries to opened his eyes out and make him was surprise to seen himself is hanging upside down and he was going to drop down at the acid water...Wait...what the fuck is this shit?!?

(A/N: Imagine replace Gordon as (Y/N) was hanging upside down

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(A/N: Imagine replace Gordon as (Y/N) was hanging upside down.)

(Y/N): "W-What the?!? W-W-Where the hell am I?" He asked himself.

Poison Ivy: "You're wake up already, (Y/N).~" She said to (Y/N) and make him was turn his head to look at her who was stood right there with a sadistic smile up and she knew (Y/N) is awake right now.

(Y/N): "Pamela, what is all of this about?!" He asked her.

Poison Ivy: "I am setting everything up and make sure that Batman or Moon Knight will not be here to save you.~" She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Why are you doing this?"

Poison Ivy: "Don't you understand, (Y/N)? I am fallen love with you.~" She said to (Y/N) and make him surprise more about what she say to (Y/N) and this make him surprise to heard her speak out and she said.

Poison Ivy: "We're going to die when we get older.~" She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Pamela, this is gone far enough...l-l-let me help you...I don't want you to become like this evil by yourself." He told her.

Poison Ivy: "(Y/N), this is real me.~" She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Pam..." He said to her and make her was going to say more and out of nowhere someone was crashes through the window and revealed out to be Batman and Orphan.

Poison Ivy: "Batman...." She said.

Batman: "Pamela is over now...let him go." He said to her and make her chuckle and she was release some plants at him and Orphan but the two of them were dodge out of the way by themselves and they both were tries their best to take this villain down. Orphan was tries her best to take this crazy botanist bitch down...for what she tries to take (Y/N) away from this bitch and she will beat the shit out of this woman badly for what she is going knock (Y/N) out and drag him here.

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