Chapter 22: Black Mask's Death

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) with Red Hood are moving out to somewhere else in this world and the two of them were running in the rooftops with their parkour style by themselves and then they both begin to searching for Black Mask's place. The two of them are running out to somewhere else in this world and they are going to take down Black Mask's place and all everything that he was build...but no matter fact for what he tries to do...he is going to die pretty soon later.

The two of them were land down on the rooftop's different building and the two of them stare down at the building of Black Mask.

(Y/N): "Is this the building?" He asked Red Hood.

Red Hood: "Damn right it is..." He said to (Y/N) and he take the scope out and take a closer to look at this Black Mask's building and make him was count down and he said.

Red Hood: "There were 34 guards and we should sneak down there and take them down." He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Definitely it sure that bastard is in there?" He asked Red Hood.

Red Hood: "Yes, I know where he was in there...but he is meeting with someone name is Harrow." He said to (Y/N) and make him heard this and he was growling out.

(Y/N): "Harrow, fucking son of bitch." He said to himself.

Red Hood: "You know him?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Definitely it is...I known him and I know this son of bitch who was ruining my own life and send his men tries to kill me." He said to Red Hood and make him was chuckle little bit and then (Y/N) was with Red Hood are going in there by themselves and they decide to take these bad guys down by themselves. When (Y/N) with Red Hood take down many guards and kill them in silent takedown and the two of them take most of them down like nothing but badass for their own skills.

(Y/N): "That's all of them." He said to Red Hood and then the two of them were heard some more companies arrive here by themselves and then they both were just got here right on the time...and there were footsteps coming here. Then the two of them turn their heads to look over there and saw there was four of them are assassins by themselves and they carrying their weapons with them.

(Y/N): "Who the hell are you guys?" He asked them.

???: "We are the Fearsome Hand Of Four." He said to (Y/N) and Red Hood and make the two of them were stare each others and then they goes their own fighting stance by themselves and prepare to fight these four guys here.

(A/N: Imagine Batman as (Y/N) with Red Hood fighting these guys scene.)

When (Y/N) with Red Hood beating the shit out of Fearsome Hand Of Four and the two of them kill them all like nothing with their weapons and they were looking down at the bad guys were dead and they both are been killed by (Y/N) and Red Hood. Now there was only left is Black Mask and when the two of them were walking up there and they going to kill Black Mask in brutal ways.

When the two of them went up there by themselves and they both just going to kill Black Mask and yep...that's the bastard won't even know what his coming...and the two of them went up there and make them knock the door down on the ground. The two of them saw Black mask was surprise to seen (Y/N) and Red Hood is here and make the criminal was definitely scared as shitless and Black Mask said.

Black Mask: "You son of two took my guards out and nobody else would do such a thing like this! Just who the hell are you two?!?" He said to (Y/N) and Red Hood.

(Y/N): "Bitch, please....we are the destroyer who can kill some enemies like you and every last single motherfuckers in this world." He said to Black Mask.

Red Hood: "Any last words before we kill you?" He asked Black Mask.

Black Mask: "Yeah, just let you know that...Harrow is somewhere and he's on the move so you better-" He tries to said and (Y/N) with Red Hood got their guns out and shooting the bastard to death.

Harrow is somewhere and he's on the move so you better-" He tries to said and (Y/N) with Red Hood got their guns out and shooting the bastard to death

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(Y/N): "Fuck you." He said to him.

Red Hood: "Suck on this, bitch!!!!!!!"

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Red Hood: "Suck on this, bitch!!!!!!!"

To Be Continued.

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