Chapter 3: Ellen's Savior is Moon Knight

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

When there was a classroom and seeing there were bunch of students that they both just sat there and chilling by themselves and then there was a young redhaired girl who was sat on the desk by herself. Well, looks like the girl just sat there and writing her homework and finally she just finishes it by herself and make her was turn to look up and she saw the teacher was came here right away by himself and it looks like 

Teacher: "Alright, class. We have a new student today."

The girls and boys were whispering about who may be a student really is.

???: "Can't we tell who it was?"

???2: "Yeah, it was a boy or girl."

Teacher: "It's a boy."

The boys were like growling like they hate at cute, or maybe handsome. Now the girls are prepared to seeing what's really the boy is, and superhero girls were like not excited but Babs was need to know who is the boy may be cute or smart.

The door swung open.

Teacher: "Ah there he is! Come on in!" He said and make the boy was come inside here and then the students were react this boy is...oh boy...Holy sweet mama...He's hot! He's really hot!!!!!!

He's hot! He's really hot!!!!!!

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Teacher: "Class, this is (Y/N). And he's will be your help. (Y/N) (L/N) Specter will be your personal to anyone question about him?"

Then the boys and girls were raised their hands up.

Teacher: "Alright, settle down now each one of you need to raised your hand up." Then the boy who raised his hand up.

Teacher: "Okay, you." He pointed to that boy.

???: "Is that a tattoo?" He asked (Y/N) and make him was nod his head and he said.

(Y/N): "Yes, it is a tattoo." He said to them and showing his tattoo by himself.

Then the girls and boys were seeing this like they were seeing the tattoo is alright and looks like badass when (Y/N) do the tattoo shop by looks beautiful at all.

Teacher: "Alright, is anyone else having any question?" then the girls who rise their hands up.

???: "Are you single?"

(Y/N): "Well, yeah I am...I suppose to look for one or maybe 6 of them"

???2: "What's that your ring?"

(Y/N): "This is for my father."

???3: "Are you here for vacation?"

(Y/N): "Well, interesting about it. I go whatever I want to fun."

The girls were blushing seeing (Y/N)'s face is smile with handsome.

Teacher: "Alright, class. Mr. Specter has been accident in the car so take it easy for him...he's not rich alright?"

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