Chapter 25: Scarface & Ventriloquist

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

Ellen: "Okay, that does sound like you have the ladies attention." She said to (Y/N) with a deadpan.

Then there was (Y/N) and Ellen sat on the couch chairs and then he wasn't alone by himself because he got his arms hug by Ivy, Harley, and Cass that the three of them were hugging (Y/N) tightly.

Ellen: "So, you dating with these two villains here?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yeah, I know how you are going to heard about me explaining the whole thing but I promise you to that I want you understood at it." He said to the detective and make the Asian woman nod her head and she look up at (Y/N) and she asked him.

Ellen: "First start...I want to know about your story, (Y/N)." She said to (Y/N) and make him was nod his head to her and he sigh that he is going to explaining the story to her about his past and his origin with power for what he might become something powerful and Moon Knight for what he just being Anti-Hero.

Ellen: "Okay, I get you're saying that you have three personalities have a names and this...god name is 'Khonshu'...was he the one who give you the power?" She asked (Y/N) and make him was nod his head to her and he told her that Khonshu was an entity and he can seen him where he was appeared out of nowhere. When Ellen heard this and make her sigh out little bit and she look at him and she told him that she want to thank him for saving her life and (Y/N) told her it is alright.

(Y/N): "Well, it's alright are safe." He said to her.

Ellen: "Yeah, I think...I should hang out with you more. But you're Moon did right there was insane and you stop the criminals and bring them down...but Batman...I don't like Batman cause he didn't kill. Maybe I was wrong about you...I was thinking you are right person to destroy these evils." She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yeah, that sound good at all. But thanks for what you saying to me." He said to her and then the two of them were sat there and they both have fallen love interest.

Cass: "Are you tell us that she is going to join in or what?" She asked (Y/N) and make him was chuckle to her and he said.

(Y/N): "Yes, she is join in." He said to Cass and the other three females were groan little bit and (Y/N) turn his head back to look at Ellen and he knew her was beautiful and of course she really is...beautiful woman and somehow (Y/N) promise for what it takes that he can take any villains and some bad guys down.

Harley: "Well, what are you going to do now?" She asked Ellen.

Ellen: "I'm going back to do my own work right now...I'll talk to you later." She said to (Y/N) and make her was leave right away and except for (Y/N) is going out with Cass...and the two of them become a superheroes again.

Time Skip Later.

In Somewhere Else.

There was a warehouse where the rest of gangsters are in there and they both were stood right there and smoking the cigarette by themselves and then they were talking to each others until (Y/N) with Cass in their superheroes forms right away. The two of them were sneak inside the window of this building and make them both just stood right there and stare down at these criminals are doing their own works and they both just definitely going to do their best to work with these things out...collect some boxes and put them in the truck right away.

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