Chapter 5: Moon Knight V.S Man-Bat

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3rd POV:

Next Week Later.

Well, all everything was fine alright and the crime in the Gotham city was like 4% percent and less than 50% but turns out thanks for the new vigilante for himself and fighting at the criminals and kill them that's the way he just kill them. Then the people was happy to seen the new vigilante was a good person who helping innocent people and avenge them and kill those who were bad and they deserve to die...punish the evils and kill all of them and send them to the hell where they belong to.

As for Bruce...he was in his home and sat down on the couch chair and reading the newspaper and Alfred was tries to take the patch out of Bruce's wounds because he got his ass whoops by (Y/N) who is the strongest and fastest to defeat Batman.

Bruce: "I can't believe this." He said to himself and he was slammed his newspaper down on the table and seen the title is 'Moon Knight is the guardian angel has come from Heaven and punish the sins'. Well, yeah...that's the truth but he's not like guardian angel from the heaven but something worst for what they know it is a god.

Alfred: "Hold still, master Bruce...your wound is almost healing up right now." He said to Bruce.

Bruce: "I'm sorry, Alfred...I just can't stand on this guy here...he kill criminals and take no prisoners." He said to Alfred.

Alfred: "I know, Master Bruce...whatever he really is and he must good reason for what he's doing." He said to Bruce and make him was sigh out little bit and then he lean back his head on the couch chair and make him was sigh out and he said.

Bruce: "What am I going to do with this vigilante?" He asked himself and he knew the people hate Batman because the reason why he didn't kill those supervillains cause they were come out anytime and soon that they will kill many victims. Except for (Y/N) who kill criminals by himself and he track them and hunt them down...bring them the justice for what they were deserve.


When he heard the phone was ringing and make him grab his phone and answer at it by himself and he was heard the talking comes from Dr. Kirk Langstrom. He was seen this and make him grab the phone and answer it and he heard the voice from Dr. Kirk and he told him there will be meeting for this morning right now and Bruce was gladly to heard it.

Bruce: "I'll be on my way then." He said.

Time Skip Later.

Back to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "*This is unexpected, Khonshu...I sense this man was good person.*" He thought himself and there was (Y/N) with Cass and the students are visit to Kirk Langstrom's place and looks like a science project for what the man creating it. Then (Y/N) was stood next with Cassandra that she just holding the notebook and she wrote it down by herself and (Y/N) does the same thing too...and he tries to studying but Khonshu speak again.

Khonshu: "He's an evil one, (Y/N) must confront him." He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Right." He said to himself.

Kirk: "Well, as you can see....this is how it works." He said to the students are in the science classroom and there was an middle age man that he had a white short hair and dressing a teacher's outfit for himself and he looks like creepiest as hell...but the man was good person and (Y/N) heard Khonshu speak to him about this man here...the presence that (Y/N) can sense and feel it.

the presence that (Y/N) can sense and feel it

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