Chapter 26: Moon Knight V.S Harrow

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

Orphan: "So...we know where he really is" She asked (Y/N) and make him was nod his head.

(Y/N): "Yeah, we do right now....all we have to do is find this son of bitch and bring him down." He said to her and make him was look over there and he see Ventriloquist and Scarface was tied up in the chair and they couldn't even move...and then there was a three gasoline over there. When (Y/N) was set up with C4 bomb in there and make sure that they are going to get blowed up by the detonator for what (Y/N) was using it in his hand. 

Orphan: "What about them?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Well, we just leave them here...and these bastards won't even tries to get away...let's just say they are going to die in this place.~" He said to her.

Orphan: "Okay, sound good.~" She said to (Y/N) with a chuckle and then the two of them were walk out of the building by themselves and they both went outside there and prepare for blow up...and except for those two tries to get off the chairs...and they were stuck there for awhile and make (Y/N) was holding the detonator in his right hand and make him was presses it down on the detonator.


When all everything was blowed up and make (Y/N) with Orphan use their arms to blocking the sands or dusts hitting at the two of them and (Y/N) was chuckle little bit and he said.

(Y/N): "Rest in rotten peace, assholes.~" He said to them and make the two of them are going to walk away and they heard the Batmobile was driving here right away and make they sigh that they knew Batman is here right now. When Batman was got out of the Batmobile by himself and he was look at the warehouse place where Ventriloquist and Scarface was live there and they blow up.

Batman: "What did you do?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I did what it needs to be done right now...if you excuse me...I don't have a time to babysit fighting with you, Batman." He said to Batman and he was about to walk away but until out of nowhere a bat grappling hook shoot out at (Y/N) but the knight dodge out of the way and he grab the line of grappling hook and pulled him to (Y/N) and when he was jump up from the ground and gave him a powerful roundhouse kick at Batman in the face.

Then (Y/N) was sent Batman to the ground and make him was spat bloods down on the ground and then he turn his head to look at Moon knight and he was told him.

Batman: "Stop, this isn't the way to get rid of criminals!" He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "It is the way to get rid all of these scums in this world, Bruce Wayne...why don't you see all around here...every innocent suffering by these evils and demons that they hurt and kill...they don't have any emotions toward to the innocent...there's only for what they fear is...Death...Death has coming for them." He said to Batman and make him was begin to walking away from here.

Orphan: "Stop being a hero, Batman...the real heroes are me and Moon Knight...we are the true savior of this world...and not back off." She said to him and make the two of them were disappeared right away by themselves and they both begin to moving out to somewhere else in Gotham and they are going out there and search for Arthur Harrow and hunt this motherfucker down.

Time Skip Later.

Back to (Y/N).

When the two of them went out to somewhere else in this world and they both just going out to somewhere and searching for Arthur...and it looks like the dark ritual has start to begun right now...there were bunch of purple souls were sucking through by Ammit and Arthur must behind this all about...those people were down there and they got killed by this power ritual from Arthur and Ammit doing this.

(Y/N): "Khonshu...are you here?!?" He said to him and make the god appeared out of nowhere and then he was finally here.

(Y/N): "Khonshu...this isn't good right now...she is sucking all everyone right now. Can you stop her?" He asked him and make him was nod his head to (Y/N).

Khonshu: "I'll try my best to stop her for what she is will take care at Arthur by yourself." He said to (Y/N) and make him was nod his head and he was going out right away and then (Y/N) with Orphan turn their heads to look at the enemy is Arthur Harrow.

(Y/N): "Alright, Orphan? Ready?" He asked her.

Orphan: "Yes..." She said to (Y/N) and then he felt sense someone else came here and revealed is...Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, and Catwoman that they both are here and also his homie Red Hood was here too and he was right here on the time and the five of them begin to charge.

(Y/N): "FUCK THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to them and make them nod their heads and they begin to moving out right away by themselves.

(A/N: Imagine Scarlet Scarab as Orphan scene.)

When (Y/N) with the others are going to fighting the rest of these motherfuckers by themselves and they take many of them out and then they start to take many of these motherfuckers and except Arthur that (Y/N) is gonna fight him. Then Orphan was helping (Y/N) to fight this bastard and the two of them were beating the shit out of Arthur Harrow...the son of bitch tries to use his ritual staff and shoot out.

But (Y/N) use himself to block the power attack comes from Arthur Harrow and make the bastard was tries to kill (Y/N)...but he use his power to kill Arthur Harrow and finally the motherfucker got what he deserve to be death. After Arthur was been defeated by (Y/N) and his girls with teammates that they both finally put Arthur Harrow down by themselves and then they turn their heads to look at the chaos for what Ammit and Arthur done.

They start to fixing everything up and Khonshu with (Y/N) doing their best to put the souls back to the humans right away and they will be arrive right on the time.

Next Morning Later.

Back to (Y/N).

Time to switch another third personality.

Harrow is death.

To Be Continued.

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