Chapter 23: Red Hood & Moon Knight

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N) & Jason.

When the two of them were kill Black Mask and end his life...that pathetic piece of shit thinks he is a real gangster and they shooting at him to death...well, he won't even come back alive again and turns out that (Y/N) with Red Hood just destroy them like nothing. Then they both were stood there and prepare for set everything up in this place like bombs setting down on the ground and preparing for everything up to blow this kingdom up right now.

(Y/N): "All set?" He asked Red Hood.

Red Hood: "Yep." He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Alright, I guess...we are going to blow this kingdom immediately." He said to him and make Red Hood was chuckle little bit and seen (Y/N) was prove his point and blow this place up and then it is done. They put the C4 Bombs in the building and it's like 15 of them around here in this building and well...everything was done right now and make (Y/N) is going to prepare for the detonate that he is gonna press it down.

The two of them were got out of the building by themselves and they both were stood on the rooftop's building and make the two of them were stare down at the Black Mask's building.

(Y/N): "Right....let's blow the thing up." He said to himself and he presses the detonate and then the building blowed up into pieces and make the building was collapses down on the ground and all everything was dropped down on the ground. Then the two of them were stood there and make them seen that place has finally collapse and Red Hood was whistle out little bit and he said to (Y/N).

Red Hood: "So, does that mean I'm in?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yep, I believe it all everything is fine." He said to himself.

Red Hood: "Okay...Batman seems to be pisses off about this place was killed and yeah...definitely pissing the old man off." He said to (Y/N).

Red Hood: "So, what's next?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "First we find Joker and we can end him as well." He said to Red Hood.

Red Hood: "Good idea.~" He said to (Y/N) and make the two of them are moving out to somewhere else and they both are going to kill Joker by themselves and make sure that motherfucker won't escape this time.

Time Skip Later.

In Batcave.

This place really big and dark deep secret base and looks like where the Dark Knight was living here by himself...Bruce Wayne was the millionaire rich boy for what he tries to do his own vigilante as Batman fighting at these supervillains, and criminals and send these bad guys to the Arkham Asylum for what their crimes done.

Bruce Wayne was the millionaire rich boy for what he tries to do his own vigilante as Batman fighting at these supervillains, and criminals and send these bad guys to the Arkham Asylum for what their crimes done

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The Batcave is the secret headquarters of Batman, consisting of a series of subterranean caves beneath the residence of his secret identity, Bruce Wayne.

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