Chapter 13: The Cat & The Knight

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3rd POV:

Next Morning Later.

When (Y/N) was with Cass are in the school by themselves and they both were studying their own project with science technology that's what they are planning and (Y/N) who was stood right there next to Cass and the two of them are doing pretty well with this. Then (Y/N) was helping Cass about how to do science with technology from the lesson by the teacher.

 Then (Y/N) was helping Cass about how to do science with technology from the lesson by the teacher

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(Y/N)'s Outfit.

(Y/N): "There you go...slowly...and that's how you doing it." He said to her.

Cass: "Thanks, (Y/N)." She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "You're welcome, Cass.~" He said to her and make the two of them are doing pretty well with science and they both felt glare comes from Babs. The red haired girl who was jealous about (Y/N) and Cass were together because they are partners and the smart girl want to be with (Y/N) because the way of (Y/N) teaching Cass know how to doing it.

Pamela: "Babs? Are you listening?" She asked Babs and make the smart girl was turn her head to look at Pamela and she asked her.

Babs: "Come again?" She asked Pamela.

Pamela: "I mean you just stood right there and stalking toward that guy over there and seems you are really love with him.~" She said to Babs.

Babs: "I-I-I don't know what are you talking about!" She said and she was focus back to doing her own work right away and then Pamela was chuckle little bit and she turn her head to look at the hot and handsome boy who was doing his own work with Cass and seems she is interesting hot handsome boy. But she was plan to do something lewd at him and she want him to join with her or maybe something worst but whatever she planning...she interest (Y/N) who feeding the plants with a water.

Pamela: "*Hmmm...I hope you had a feeling toward to the plant.~*" She thought herself and she was wondering to know much more about (Y/N) cause she seen him was nice and calm person for himself. But those bastards who even dare tries to bullies him and (Y/N) will beat the shit out of them in brutal way and Pamela was got shiver about the bully who dare tries to mess with (Y/N) and naturally that he got his ass whoop by (Y/N).

(A/N: Imagine that is (Y/N) fighting with these bullies.)


Never ever pisses (Y/N) off cause he will break more bones from the bullies.

When (Y/N) with Cass are stepped out of the science room and make the two of them were heading to another class but he was got called by Babs.

Babs: "(Y/N)! C-Can I talk to you?" She asked (Y/N) and make him was look at her and he turn his head back to look at Cass and he said.

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