The Sunset / Chapter 5

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Kim Namjoon:
"Okay Namjoon, calm down. Think what to do" I mumbled to myself in quiet
"Hey! Are you talking to yourself too?" The squeaky voice of Yang Su was heard behind me.

"Sometimes I talk to myself to relax.. Are you talking to yourself all the time?" I looked at her face with the big round glasses that covered half of her face.
"When I was a kid, I talked to myself, I didn't get to know much people and I was lonely so without control I started talking to myself and consulting with my thoughts. Not to mention the time when I had an imaginary friend," she hid her face with her hand in shame.

I turned my look to the other side and smiled a little, the more I start to know her, the more strange she is, but also more.. Different.
She's not like the other girls, she's more. Special.
"Namjoon-shi, it's beginning to get dark, do you want me to clean the mess in the car so we can stay there tonight?" She looked at me with a sweet smile.
I watched the sun slowly go down and the sunset appeared.

"We can sit here in the grass and watch the sunset, it can be nice, also no need to be formal." I suggested, thinking about it is a very beautiful place at night, the sunset full of warm colors appeared in the sky and turned the anger and fear that arose in my feelings to calmness and peace.

We sat next to each other and shared a small picnic blanket that was in the back of the car,
Before I realized I noticed that Yang Su laid her head on my shoulder, she fell asleep until I could see her eyes completely closed.
I leaned out my hand to gently put her on the blanket, but before I could do it, a loud snoring sound from her mouth came out until I jumped out of fear, she woke up and looked at me with a sleepy glance, trying to understand what had happened.

"Yang Su, I have a question," I looked at the sun that was almost completely sinking between the mountains.
"Yes?"She answered in a yawn and laid her hand on her mouth.
"Your father... You said you don't care about him or his work. Can you explain why?" I asked slightly curious.

"It all started when I was a kid. My mom and dad recognized my talent for dancing and singing and signed me right away in classes,
Every two days a week I had to go to a hip hop class, a ballet class and then voice lessons, like this every week until I felt compelled to do all these things.
After I dropped out of the classes, my dad started trying to convince me to join his company as one of the Idols, which didn't interest me at all, you aren't offended, right?" She looked at me with a fearful look.

"Why would I get offended...? Anyone have their own interests that makes them feel good, continue the story," I answered, wondering how's the story is gonna go.
"When I tried to reject again and again, he would find new ways to try and convince me. My mother didn't help at all, she also tried to convince me to join the family bakery with the excuse that "no one will continue the bakery for a second generation," I thought I could show them that I could succeed myself if I set up an independent business.. It turns out I was wrong," she replied, trying to stop the tears coming out of her eyes and wet her glasses.

"I'm sure you can show them that you can make the business successful and big, have you tried to bring new ideas? Employing a presenter?" I asked
Suddenly an idea came to my mind.
"I have an idea, what if you could hire me as the company's presenter? There was an unpleasant situation with the company I was supposed to represent.. You know the company of Park Min Kyung.." I responded with a worry, considering my words.

I looked at her face examining my words, she looked down and after a few minutes of silence she suddenly replied.
"I think it might work, but celebrities like you probably take a lot of money to do campaigns..No?" She looked at me a little disappointed.
"Hey!"I tried to wake her up from her depressed situation, she was a little scared but looked at me to hear my words.

"It is stated in the contract that both parties must listen to each other and both parties should support each other's business.
So I basically do what the rules of the contract says," I looked at her happy with the idea I managed to find quickly.
She nodded, "So you're going to do it? Really?" She released a happy scream.

I looked at her and smiled, "I guess yes, just it's not that easy working with me,
I like to decide on a lot of things by myself. You got warned!" I answered with a smile and my dimples stood out.
She smiled and laid back on the blanket, looking at the absolute darkness with the trails of the stars shining in the sky.

"I have another question," I suddenly broke the silence.
She answered in her sleepy voice, "Yes?.."״
"If you're opposed to what your father decides for you, why did you give a chance to marry a stranger you don't know?" I asked curious.
I turned around and noticed she was asleep on the blanket.

I gently got up from the blanket and walked over the back of the car and took a small blanket that was inside.
I walked past Yang Su and covered her with the blanket gently, without waking her up.
"It's gonna get colder. Are there no more warmer blankets?" I asked myself hoping that someone could help and answer me, but I'm alone here.
I went to the car where I left my jacket, and I took it out of the car and covered Yang Su in another layer with the jacket.
I laid on the picnic blanket and slowly fell into a deep sleep.

The next day:

I woke up to the noise of steps on the grass and shoutings from my headguard's familiar voice, "Mr. Kim!"Mr Kim!״
I carefully got up and screeched my arms, looking at Yang Su who was still sleeping deeply.
"I am here!" I shouted loudly , so that the guard would hear me,
Yang Su woke up from my words and looked at me with a frightened and confused look.

"My headguard has found us, stay here and don't move," I replied, looking in the opposite direction to see where the head guard is.
He approached the old car with big steps and asked, "Mr. Kim, where were you? The manager sent us a message that you were supposed to come with a guest but you did not arrive. We searched for you all night until morning." He looked at me with a serious and frightened look.

"The car stopped working in the middle of the road, we couldn't continue because the sun began to go down so we stayed here, I'm sorry."
He said, "You don't have to apologize. A lot of people care about you, not just me. What would happen if it came to headlines? "Kim Namjoon, a member of BTS the group has been missing since the afternoon, think how the manager would be crazy about the phone calls he would get to ask about your health and condition."

I know he's right, but there's no reason for others to be hurt for something I've decided to do myself.

"I'm sorry again, Agushi," I bowed and asked, "Could you take me and Yang Su home?״
He pleased and I signaled Yang Su to come after me, she picked up the things and followed us.

Da Yun:
"How long does she takes... She usually comes home in the evening," I mumbled to myself, looking at Ha Nullie as I brushed her hair.
"Do you know where unnie is?I asked Ha Nul as I gathered her hair into two pigtails about the same size.
"She went on a date with a cute man!" She shouted in a wide smile until her missing teeth from the front could be seen.

"On a date? How long has she been dating and not telling me anything?" I mumbled to myself again.
"It's because you don't know anything about love like mom and dad!" Hull shouted again and broke in a giggle.
I spread her hair all over and placed the brush on the side, "Oh, really, Ha Nullie ? So there are no pigtails!" I shouted and laughed at her face.
She started crying and I straight away stroked her back and said, "I'm sorry, Ha Nullie.. Did you know oppa met a guy?" I smiled at her as I collected her hair back to do a ponytail.
"Really? Is he tall as daddy and beautiful as mommy?" She asked with a smile.
"He's beautiful in his special beauty, and Dad isn't that tall!I raised my voice a little, and she broke in rolling laughter again.

I walked into the pizzeria next to my house like every usual day, put on the green shirt, wore the red hat and took the delivery boxes and put it in the bag attached to the motorcycle.
"A delivery to house on the street... Delivery to the office building. Delivery to the BigHit Company Building.Delivery to another hou-Wait, a delivery to Dad's company? Since when does he order from the pizzeria and to the company's own building? Strange.." I mumbled to myself as I counted the orders and started the motorcycle's engine for the ride.

I delivered the rest of the deliveries until I arrived at the building of the company my father manages "BigHit", I entered with three pizza boxes that were ordered to the entrance to the building and went to the secretariat.
"Hey sorry, Who ordered the pizza? I'm just in a hurry," I responded with pressure as I was afraid to deliver late the other pizzas.
She picked up the phone and called to the office, and after a few minutes she replied, "Come into the studio room and put the pizzas on the small table, the tip is already there."

I walked over to the studio room and placed the pizzas on the small table on the side of the room and walked through the exit not before I bumped into someone who was about to come in.
"My apologizes, I'm sorry," I said and bowed before looking at the person's face, which seemed to be familiar.
"Min-Yoongi?" I asked confusedly, pinching myself behind my leg to see if it wasn't a dream and what I imagined.
"Da Yun from yesterday, right? Did you see the post on Twitter? Or not..." He smiled

"I've seen it, thank you for keeping it. You shouldn't have post it though, you know.." I lowered my lookdown, hiding the blush that started showing on my face.
"I like to post special things, that's how people are curious and ask questions about the same mysterious thing I've posted," he smiled again.
"Am I bothering you at work? I just wanted to tell you that..." He responded hesitantly if it was the right time to say
"Here's my number, in case you need me in an emergency, I'll be there for you," he gave me a small note with a number written on, I shoved the note into my pocket and hid my face with the hat to hide my blush.

He smiled and suddenly lifted my hat, "You need to show your face more, hiding them with a hat on your face will look you weak, you want to look strong, right?״
I nodded trying to keep my heartbeat calm, he smiled and replied, "Just be you, don't try to show someone you're not, I believe you can do it."
"A...I'm going to finish the rest of the deliveries, I'll see you," I replied stuttering from the nervousness .I closed the door and went out of the studio to the exit of the building quickly, I was too stressed at times to notice if I took everything.

I got on the motorcycle, he just gave me his number?!

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