The Green Stone / Chapter 17

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Third Person Perspective:

"3..2..1" A sound of explosion from the balloon that exploded, leaving all guests astonished
Namjoon looked with absolute love into the eyes of Yang Su , which she held his hand.

A few hours before:

"Welcome to the interview with Jeon Jungkook, Yoongi Hyung– What do you think is the gender of the baby?" Jungkook turned the microphone-shaped keychain to Yoongi, as well as Hobi recording the moment.

"Jungkook, why are we doing this?" Yoongi looked at Jungkook confusedly and then at Hobi, who signaled a sign with his hands that formed an X shape, and then he stopped the recording.

"Again" Hobi said right after and Jungkook continued.

"Yoongi Hyung, what do you think the gender of the baby is?" Jungkook smiled at Yoongi who turned this time into a forced smile.

"I think it doesn't matter so much.. But if I have to guess, then a boy" he moved his eyes now towards Da Yun who sat on the couch.

"Next" Hobi replied with a serious tone and a sign to Yoongi to move and leave the spot for another interviewer, Yoongi got up and walked over to the couch where Da Yun sat.

"Wooyoung, introduce yourself first to the camera" Jungkook turned the microphone to Wooyoung to speak.

"Hey, I'm Wooyoung, some time ago I left BigHit agency together with Yeosang to be in a show I can't talk about too much, I am Yang Su's cousin" he smiled and made a pose to the camera

"Wooyoung, what do you think the gender of the baby is?" Jungkook asked Wooyoung who rubbed his neck with a thought.

"I think they'll surprise us, it's expected it to be a boy, but I think differently. I think it's a girl" He smiled and nodded.

"Next" Hobi began to film the other guests, some of the family and some close friends of Namjoon and Yang Su.

"Jin Hyung, what do you think the gender of the baby is?" Jungkook asked
Jin took a moment to think and suddenly opened his mouth to speak.

"If it's a boy... I can teach him how to play computer games, if it's a girl.. I can teach her to play computer games.. I say both!" He opened his eyes with a finger raised up.

"They don't have twins, you know.. But I'm going to take it as a boy." Jungkook rubbed his forehead in a sigh and looked at Jin with a very, very serious look.
"Oish Jungkookie!" Jin looked at Jungkook furiously, but the two younger men laughed at him.

"Nayeon-ssi, introduce yourself," Jungkook said when he turned the microphone to the face of .

"Hello everyone, I'm a member from Twice that most of you probably know. I'm a Yang Su's cousin from her mother side" she smiled.

"I guess I'll have to find out by myself because I don't have an answer, but if I have to guess then I think I'm a girl."

After all the recordings of the other guests, they sat down in the couch with their eyes turned to Namjoon and Yang Su who stood in the middle of the living room.

"First of all, I thank you for coming here, it's an important part of my life right now that I want to celebrate with all of you.
Are you ready to know what the gender of the baby is?" Namjoon smiled and his dimples stood out, Yang Su looked at him with a smile.

"We have brought here a special balloon, where you will find out by the color what the gender of the baby is," Yang Su continued, Namjoon held at the same time the balloon.

"Before you pop it. I want to pop up the balloon!" Suddenly Da Yun got up from the couch.

"Da Yun, do you have to do that?" Yang Su looked at Da Yun with a sharp gaze, and he was just smiling and nodding.

Da Yun got up from the couch and walked over to Yang Su and Namjoon, holding a thumbtack that Yang Su brought him

"Ready? 3..2..1" A sound of explosion from the balloon was heared, Da Yun smiled happy because he already knew the gender of the baby is.

The rest of the guests stood up and greeted Yang So and Namjoon, while the other little children played with the remains of a pink confetti that was scattered everywhere.

"Uncle Yoongi! Look it's is a pink confetti!" Ha Nul sat next to Yoongi, showing in one hand the remains of the confetti she held.
"Are you happy to have a little niece?" Da Yun sat next to them and opened his mouth.
"Yes yes! But you'll still play with me in barbies!" Ha Nul smiled a smile without two teeth.


Da Yun:

I looked at Yoongi for a few moments, waiting for a response from him.
"Da Yun go to sleep," he rubbed his eyes and turned to me.

"I'm worried about something."I sat down on the bed, trying to think with myself whether to say these things, or he'll think I'm crazy.

"What happened?" Yoongi sat next to me, laying  his head on my shoulder.
I stroked his hair and pointed with my finger over to the green stone.
I picked up the stone, took a glass of water and put it in there.

"What are you doing?" He answered in a tired voice, trying to understand what I was doing.
"Shhh!" I placed a finger on my lips, while I took the stone out of the water and wiping it.
The color of the strange stone faded and turned to the colour of black coal, he looked at me with a confused look.

I walked towards the closet and pulled out a small toolbox, returning to Yoongi with the hammer in my hand.
He raised his brows with a curious and confused look at the same time.

There was a big boom sound when I crashed the coal stone, which came out of the leftovers something different..

"What is it?" He asked and I signaled him to remain silent.
I broke the strange part that was inside the stone, he looked at the stone and then at me.

"Isn't it...listening device?" He looked at me.
"Yes, it is, I suspected something was wrong with this stone," I took the remains of the stone to the trash.

"From whom did you get it?" He opened his mouth again and looked at me.
I sat on the bed in the area where he laid, he left a little space for me to sit.

"A man named Hwang.. Hwang Hyunjin, do you know him?" I looked at him with a curious look but full of questions.
"It doesn't sound familiar to me.. Wait, how did you know that there was something wrong with the stone?" Yoongi sat on the other side of the bed.

"Namjoon had the same stone.. Oh Yoongi, did my dad behave differently lately?" Suddenly I asked, leaving his gaze a little frightened but thinking

"A little... Why?" He asked while rubbing in his forehead.

"I think it's...My real father" I answered hesitantly, afraid of Yoongi's response.

"W-what do you mean by your real father?" He looked at me with an incomprehensible look.

"I shouldn't know about that. But when I was a kid I heard my father argue on the phone with someone, I got curious and stayed listening to the spoken conversation. In the same conversation he screamed at the guy, told him he was the father of the children and that he could not argue and change that. Yang Su just broke up crying because her new doll broke and our mother calmed her. At that moment I realized that something big was happening."I dropped out all the things that sounded absurd, but Yoongi looked at me astonished, trying to digest the information I gave him.

"Yang Su doesn't know about it, but when I grew up a little bit, I went across my father's office to look for the documents he asked me to bring him, not until I saw a purple folder that was interesting to me. I was a curious high school student and I decided to open it, not expecting my tired eyes to open widely when I read the following words. Adoption case"
I looked at him and rubbed my skin, he looked at me trying to understand what I told him.

"My dad has a small scar on his elbow, not everyone can notice, so you probably haven't noticed it. But he had no scar.
I thought I was imagining, but the more I investigated the man, the more suspicious it seemed to me. I think he's my father's twin brother, I mean my biological father.. He returned" I sighed and laid down on the bed, Yoongi still staring at me with a confused look.

"Is your biological father the twin brother of your adopting father? But why did he adopt you if your biological father was alive?" Yoongi rubbed his neck, slightly suspecting.

"That's what I didn't understand either.. I suspect we also have another brother.. The problem is that... He's from the same Namjoon's mother" Yoongi stared at me surprised as he chocked from the air
"Yang Su and Namjoon are family members?" He coughed and tried to calm his throat.

"Technically no, Namjoon has a different mother and father, only the step brother is from the same Namjoon's mother.. I guess you understood?" I looked at him, he still seemed sinking in thoughts.

"U-uh I think so" He looked at me a bit worried, but smiled a little, I laid down next to him in my not very wide bed.

"Do you think I'll be a good father like Namjoon?" Suddenly I said that of my mouth, Yoongi got up surprised from my words.
"What are you talking about?" He raised his brow and looked at me.

"I guess in the future, don't you want to have kids too? I know I can't get pregnant but there's a lot of way-" He cut me off before I continued my words
"Yes, you'll be a good dad," he smiled and approached me, leaving a little kiss on my cheek, and then went back to bed next to me.

I turned to him and he smiled at his wide smile, I played with his soft hair and he just stroked my hair and scattered my hair all over
I approached his chest and laid my head on it, wrapping my hands around his waist.

"Da Yun, we need to look at the present right now, no one knows what will happen in the future," he caressed my hair, moving his thumb between my forehead in small circles.
I nodded and closed my eyes gently, feeling the warmth of his body covering my body in a warm hug of good night

"Good night, Da Yunnie," he pecked me a kiss on the forehead and turned off the light from the switch that was next to the bed.


"Ha Nullie, do you like gifts? I have a box of barbies in my baggage, do you want to go and see?" He smiled at her with a disturbing but convincing smile.

She approached and nodded, curious by the dolls she was expecting to receive.

Within a moment her little self entered the big jeep, she burst into a lot of crying but it was blocked by the private parking lot.

"It's nice to know you, I'm Uncle Minho," he smiled again, tying her on the chair with the safety belt. He sat next to the driver's seat where he was sitting.

"Hyunjin start driving!" Minho called out when Hwang began the ride, Hu Nul looked at them both with a frightened gaze, and her tears, along with the little cry, stopped and turned into a bold laughing voice.

"SURPRISE" Minho made a voice with a whistle , Hyunjin stared at him with disgust.

"We're taking you to a fun day with daddy! Although it's is a little dark place.. But we planned a very fun day!" Hyunjin smiled wide as he looked at the mirror.
"Pst Minho.. Untie him first," Hwang whispered to Minho, who was responsible for the whole celebration instead.
"Wouldn't the boss be upset when he will find out we gave him a fun day with his daughter?"Minho whispered to Hyunjin in the ear.

"Why should he be angry? It's not as if we were-" Hyunjin's words were interrupted when the figure of Ha Nul was messing around with the noise of ears-breaking toy she was playing with.

"Did you have to buy children's toolbox with a full sound?" He laid his hand on his forehead in a sigh, looking at Ha Nul playing with her father who smiled with a wide smile.

"Thank you," he smiled back at them, Minho and Hyunjin returned the look of "No problem." 

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