TULA 2.1

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In crowd full of people
There's someone who made me fall
A man with a gorgeous face
And make my heart race

The beauty of his eye
Was like a color blue sky
So lovely and attractive
And made me wanna live

He gaze at me once
And my heart just bounced
What did you do?
Why am I falling for you?

The power of love at first sight
Was holding me very tight
Because until now I'm thinking of you
And still believing that I will find you

After a month we met again
In a crowd of rain
And it is so amazing
Because you were smiling

That smile was for me
And i feel like I'm going to pee
Because your walking slowly
And your heading towards me

And when your near
My smile got wider
But it fades right away
When i saw you heading another way

Heading to a beautiful lady
With a mesmerising beauty
You gave her a forehead kiss
'Cause for you, she's a bliss

You both look like a perfect couple
Because both of you found magic in every angle
A magic that will last forever
For the worst or for the better

From admiring you on the crowd
I begin to realize everything and feel so proud
Proud of seeing you happy
With the arms of a caring lady

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