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"There's money on the counter for you for food but I have to go now or else I'm going to be late." My mother said and kissed my forehead and grabbed her handbag and went to work.

"Thanks." I mumble when I heard the front door shut.

My mother is a nurse and is on night shift tonight, so I guess it's just me tonight.

I went upstairs to my room and plopped down on my bed about to call Amy when there was a loud knock on the front door. I groaned and let out a frustrated sigh. I just want to call Amy and then want to get some sleep.

I climbed out of bed and went downstairs and opened the door only to come face to face with Detective Tom.

I groan again not in the mood for more questioning.

"Detective." I said sarcastically.

"Koa, I'll have to take you in for questioning again, so let's go." He ordered. I sighed and closed my eyes for a few seconds just wishing I could go and get some sleep.

I closed and lock the front door and followed him to the SUV and got into the back.

The whole car ride to the station was filled with awkward silence.

Now I'm back into the same interrogation room waiting to be questioned.

Detective Tom came in a few minutes later and sat on the metal chair and slammed the brown file on the table.

"So what do you want to ask me this time?" I questioned and leaned back against the chair.

"Tell me, do you know a Thomas Miller?" He questioned and opens the brown file and put a picture of Thomas in front of me.

I looked at the picture, Thomas was still very young in this picture, he has a wide smile, showing his braces, his face littered with acne, his brown hair slicked backwards.

"Yes I did but not personally, just saw him in the halls at school but I think he disappeared three years ago." I said, leaving out that I know he was also murdered. Detective Tom nodded and took the picture and put it back into the file.

"He didn't disappear Koa, he was murdered." Detective Tom said and I act shocked.

"Really? How do I not know this?" I asked, making sure I have a shocked expression on my face.

"That's what I want to know from you Koa." He said sternly and crossed his arms.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a frown.

"Because Thomas Miller is killed the same way as Zane Ricci, he was stabbed exactly on the same places on his body, his chest and shoulders and left to bleed out." Detective Tom gritted out and now I'm really shocked.

What the fuck?!

"Okay, I have a question." I said and swallowed the lump in my throat.

"What?" He said and stared at me with a look I can't make out.

I know what I'm about to say is risky but I have to.

"Don't you think it's suspicious that Zane Ricci and Thomas Miller was friends with Cole Bernard and then murdered a few years apart." I asked and leaned my arms on the table.

"Don't be ridiculous Koa, he has nothing to do with this." He said angrily and shook his head.

"We both know how aggressive Cole can get, plus he bullies students at school and I'm not talking about a slap or two, I'm talking about breaking their legs, their ribs, their arms, he once broke a boys fucking jaw." I snapped and slammed my hands on the table.

"I know that but I know it's not him." I scoffed and crossed my arms.

"Bullshit." I said and shook my head angrily.

"I mean you can't say I killed Thomas Miller too because I didn't even know him back then, you don't even have evidence that I killed him." Detective Tom glared angrily at me, making me want to shrink back into my seat but I don't show him that I'm scared of him.

"Then explain to me why there was a piece of your hair in Zane Ricci's car."

"I don't fucking know, maybe Cole planted my hair in his car, to blame me, ever thought about that." He stood up from his chair with the speed of lightning, his chair flew against the wall behind him and he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pinned me against the wall.

"Cole is innocent!" He screamed into my face, the veins on his neck bulging out, his face red with anger.

"Detective Tom release her now!" Officer Sloan demanded and pushed him away from me.

With one last glare of Detective Tom he stormed out of the interrogation room.

I rubbed my neck and looked at Officer Sloan who shook her head at me.

"What?" I said sarcastically.

"Your looking for trouble kid." She said softly making me scoff.

"He attacked me if you didn't notice." I said sarcastically.

She shrugged and said. "Still."

"I'm just telling the truth." I spat and grab my jacket that's on the back of the chair.

"Am I free to go or not." I ask her while slipping my jacket on. I heard her let out a sigh.

"I'll show you out." I follow her out of the room to the exit when she suddenly grabbed my wrist and stopped me.

"Don't bring Cole Bernard up again or there will be consequences." She said softly and patted my arms before she walked away.

What does that mean?

What consequences?


~ R

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