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After I showered and cleaned myself up I got dressed in the clothes Darciana gave me and ruffled my hair a bit.

I opened the bathroom door and walked down the hall to Darciana's bedroom door and knocked.

"Come in!" I heard her yell. I opened the door and saw she was busy on her phone. She was dressed in a black shirt and a white blouse with six inch black heels.

"Feeling better?" She asked as she typed fast on her phone.

"Yes, thank you." I blushed just thinking about what happened at the pool.

"So what does this mean?" I asked her as I took a seat on her leather couch she has in her room.

"What do you mean?" She asked confused as she switched her phone off.

"You know... what happened at the pool." I said awkwardly. She smirked.

"What do you want it to be?" She asked as she looked at me, her pretty brown eyes darkening.

"I-I d-don't know." I stuttered like an idiot, her smirk turned into an amusing smile.

"Koa, have you ever been in a relationship before?" She asked suddenly.

"To be honest with you, no I haven't." I mumble making her hum.

"Have you?" I blurted out suddenly making me blush, she chuckles.

"Yes, only a few, nothing serious." She shrugged and I nod.

"Do you want to go on a date with me?" She asked me with a smirk.

I smile shyly at her. "Sure, I'd love to." She gave me a genuine smile that you don't see often and it makes my stomach feel warm.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow night." She winked and stood up from her bed.

"Let's get you home." I agreed and grabbed my backpack and followed her out of the house to her car.

"Call me immediately if you need me or anything but you should be safe with the bodyguards that's around your house." Darciana said softly making me smile.

"I will, thank you." She hummed and gave me a soft smile making me want to kiss her. Her soft plump lips are so addicting that I just want to kiss them over and over again.

She parked in front of my house and put the car in park.

"Remember about tomorrow night." She said and smiled.

"Don't worry I won't." I chuckle.

"Good, now give me a kiss." I blushed and gave her a long sweet kiss before pulling away.

"Bye." I whispered.

"Bye, darling." With one last smile I got out of the car and walked towards my front door only to come face to face with two huge men standing there in black suits. Their intimidating tall, if I should guess probably 6'5 feet tall. The one on the right has black hair that's slicked back with green eyes. The one on the left has brown hair with blue eyes.

"Hi." I squeaked out once I'm in front of them.

The chuckle and gave me a little smile.

"Ms. Barlow." They nod.

"Please just call me Koa." I waved them off and they nod.

I unlocked the front door and shut it behind me locking it again.

"Mom I'm home!" I put my bag down at the stairs.

"In the kitchen!" I heard her yell back. I walk to the kitchen seeing my mother busy cooking dinner.

"Hey mom." I gave her a kiss on the cheek and went to the fridge.

"Hi sweetheart, had fun?" She asked me as I grabbed a bottle of water.

"Yeah." I replied and gulp down my water.

"So who was that girl I saw?" She asked and my eyes widen.

"What do mean mom?" I asked her nervously.

She gave me a amusing smile and shook her head.

"The one that you were kissing just a few minutes ago." I blushed a deep shade of red and cleared my throat.

"Oh, that's Darciana." My mother's eyes widen.

"Ricci!" I nodded and she frowned.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to hang out with her when you're being accused of her brother's murder." She asked and I sighed.

"She knows I didn't kill him mom, she's actually helping me to prove my innocence." She still looks sceptical about it but only hums.

"Okay, but be carful Koa, please." I nodded and gave her a hug.

"Don't worry I'll be fine." She nodded and gave my forehead a kiss.

"Good, now explain to me why we have five huge men around the house." I chuckled and put my water bottle down on the small kitchen island.

"They're all protecting us since I got a death threat." My mother's eyes widen again.

"When Koa!" She asked me sternly.

"Yesterday." She sighed and shook her head.

"Who did this." She motioned.

"Darciana." She nodded and run her hand through her hair.

"She really cares about you doesn't she." She asked softly.

"Us." I corrected.

"Yeah she does." I smile and my mom laughs.

"I never seen you this happy before." I smiled softly at her.

"Well she's on of a kind mom."

"That's good sweetheart as long as she makes you happy."

"Now go wash your hands, dinner is ready." She ordered playing.

"Yes ma'am." I saluted and chuckled.

Darciana what are you doing to me.


~ R

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