1. Mondays

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    "Moe wake up" my mom said waking me up. I lived with my aunts, and their kids and or partners. The people i share my house with varies quite a bit. I sleep in the room that i guess used to be the study? Im not sure. "Morgan the faster you get ready the higher the chance we get starbucksss" my mom's bribed. "Chilllll im up"

     I usually went to the hospital if i had no other plan because i get separation anxiety a lot.

    "Who else is working today?" I wondered "just me" she smiled. "Perf so we have time" i giggled. My aunt Maggie always rushes us to be out the door.

    "Okay babes get ready we have about 30 minutes" she said kissing my forehead and walking out.

    I put on grey sweatshorts and a white baby tee. I braided my hair the night before so i just undid those. I only really needed to put on mascara and lipgloss to go to the hospital.

"Mama I'm ready to go" i said stepping into my mom's room. "Ok sweetheart grab my purse and go ahead and get in the car"

"Wow we made good time which means we have enough time for Chick-fil-A and starbucks" my mom smiled "yay!" I smiled.

I took aux while we drove mostly playing taylor swift. I got a very berry hibiscus refresher and my mom got a chai latte.

We went to the lounge to eat when we got to the hospital. April was in there too "hey Morgs" she smiled. "Hey april" i greeted her. "Don't let Jackson see you got starbucks, i told him we are only eating at home for the week and he would be practically foaming at the mouth if he saw one of those" she joked. "haha i bet" i laughed. "He needs to learn how to get through life without spending so much money on unnecessary things."


    "ALEXXX" i yelled running to hug him "Hey jelly bean!" He said hugging back. "I might have a favor to ask of you" he said "go on?" I smiled. "So I have this girl around your age thats been having some trouble coming to terms with her injury and i think she just needs a friend" he explained "so you want me to go hang out with her?" I asked. "Basically" he clarified "Yeah sure can you just come get me when my mom goes into surgery?" I asked "yeah sure" he spoke relieved. "Ok Moe i'm gonna go head off to do rounds, Jo's somewhere around here but if you see her remind her about our dinner I love you" he mumbled on his way out "love you too"


"Moe!" Aunt Lexie exclaimed running to hug me as fast as she could at least being 5 months pregnant. "Lexxxxx" i melted into my favorite aunt, "i missed you so much." My aunt Lexie has always been my favorite Aunt not by a long shot but definitely by a noticeable bit. "I missed you too" she said rubbing my back. "We need to hangout" i smiled "you know what? Im off Wednesday why don't we go out for the day?" Lexie suggested "omg yess just text me later?" I asked "of course sweetie, love youuu!" She said going back to tend to her patients "love you toooo"


I got bored sitting in the gallery of random surgeries after a while so i started wandering looking for my mama.

After wandering for a while I saw Jo "Jo do you know where my mom went?" I asked. "I believe shes in the cafeteria with Owen" she questioned. "Ok thanks also Alex said if i see you to remind you about your dinner" I recalled "all right thank you Moe ill see you" she said hugging me before going off to do some more work.

I made my way to the cafeteria looking for my mom and her boyfriend or whatever he was. "Mommmm" I said reaching my arms around my mother. "Hey baby" she said smiling. "Ive been looking for you" i spoke, "well you could have texted me sweetheart" she said tucking my hair behind my ears. "Yeah I didn't really think of that" I shrugged "well what did you need baby" my mama asked "nothing i just missed you" i admitted.

"I'll see you later" Owen said getting up to leave and my mom just lifted her wrist in a waving motion.

    "How much longerrrr" i whined "probably 8 hours or so sweetheart" my mom pulled me in "i love you so much Morgan but I have surgery in 10 minutes" she said sadly kissing my forehead. "I love you too ill probably go hang out for a bit or sit in the gallery" I said hugging her extra tight "okay ill see you later" my mom said picking up her coffee "see you later momma"

     I decided to go to the attending lounge to see who else is doing nothing right now and to my surprise no one was there. Weird.

    I went on my phone to see who hit me up. It wasn't unusual for me to rarely check my phone. It gets quite exhausting considering how many people try to make plans with me. Theres so many fake people in my life because I'm one of the most popular girls at my school but i don't even know how.

    I was just skimming through when i saw i had a text from HIM. Jakob. We have been friends forever. Im scared that since we have been friends so long theres no way he sees me how i see him. But he's literally so cute I can't.

Jakob: hey moe !
Me: heyyy !
Jakob: whatcha doinn??
Me: I'm at the hospital lol
Jakob: fun fun
Me: you should come over tonight
Jakob: I'll think abt it 😉
Me: mk ill see you tn
Jakob: see you tonight Morgan

My mom shook me awake. I guess id fallen asleep. "We can go now" she smiled. "Mama can Jakob come over tonight?" I asked "yeah of course but lets get out of here before i get pulled into something" my mom joked.

Back at home i was babysitting mers kids while mom, mer, and maggie went to the shops. "Bailey come on please keep the crayons out of your nose" i pleaded with my cousin. Elly was sitting on my lap and Zola was coloring on her own.

Jakob: I'll be over in 20
Me: okay but I'm on babysitting rn so you get to help!
Jakob: 😭
Jakob: okay
Me: see uuu

The door bell rang. I picked up Ellis putting her on my hip going to get the door. "Heyy" I smiled "hi" he smiled back entering the house.

"Zozo let's start cleaning up mommy will be back soon" I said softly. She really was a good kid. Jakob started to help clean while I tried to scrub the glue mess off of Bailey.

"Hi babiessss" Mer squealed hugging her kids coming home. My mom and aunt maggie weren't far behind bringing in the groceries.

    After Meredith took over with the kids Jakob and I slipped away to my room.

    We were cuddled up my head on his chest and his arm around me watching netflix. How the hell were we just friends

Mama: dinners ready

MY WAY - Amelias DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now