4. Hard

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I woke up again much later surprised to find the bed empty. "Mom?" I called out but there was no reply. "Mom?" I asked again getting up.

    I kept wandering through the house. The floor was cold when i stepped down the stairs following the hallway to the kitchen.

    "Good morning Sunshine" my mom smiled "i woke up alone" i pouted. "Im sorry baby I had to make breakfast for the kids, wanna pancake" she spoke offering the plate. "Yeah" i said taking it to go sit on the couch.

    "Hey zozo" I greeted as my cousin entered the room "hi" zola replied arms crossed with a scowl. "Zo whats wrong" I asked. "Auntie Amy is being totally unfair" my cousin pouted "how come?" I asked.

    "Bailey was kicking me under the table and I started kicking him back but aunt amelia only yelled at me and not him and it's not fair! Everyone always takes his side" zola groaned

    "Zozo that's not true, they just cut him more slack because he's younger but it's nothing against you personally and i know that's frustrating but I'll always believe you if that helps" I smiled

    "Thank you Morgan" She said hugging me. "Of course" I replied. "Now what do we wanna watch?" I asked "jessie!!" She exclaimed "all right then" i smiled flicking the buttons on the remote

Jakob: good morning :)
Me: morning!
Jakob: you should come to mine today
Me: maybe I don't really feel good so I
don't know
Jakob: no worries!
Me: :(

    I'm due for my period any day now and i'm really feeling it. My back was aching my stomach was cramping and my boobs felt like balloons.

    "Mama do we have advil?" I asked "yeah in the cabinet, but what's wrong" she asked concerned. "Pmsing" to which she nodded in comprehension.
"Oh yep me too" she said to which i noticed she also had a hand on her abdomen.

    I decided bed rotting would be the most productive thing id be capable of today so thats what I did.

    I decided to take a nap to take my mind off of it. This proved to be a bad idea though because when I woke up my bed was stained.

Me: mommy can you come here I can't do this
Momma: yes im coming baby

    "What's wrong?" She asked coming to hug me. "I got my period" I said through tears pointing to the mess i mads of my bed. "Aw sweetheart don't even worry about it happens I'll clean it up while you shower" she said kissing my forehead. "It hurts" I cried "I know my baby, periods suck but just go ahead and take your shower it will make you feel better" my mom said trying to comfort me.

    I got in the shower and began to scrub myself clean. I felt like I was gonna pass out and it was so cold but the water was burning my skin.

    When I got out my mom had already changed my sheets and left me a heating pad. Not learning from my previous mistake i fell asleep again.

    When I woke up again my mom was peering in my doorway. "Someone's here for you" my mom revealed the person behind her to be Jakob before leaving us to have alone time.

    "Hey Morg" he smiled. I stretched out my arms for a hug before patting the bed beside me for him to sit down.

We curled up together to watch disney movies. He put an arm around me rubbing my back and i laid on his chest falling back asleep.

When I woke up again he was getting ready to go. "You're going already?" I frowned "yeah im sorry moe but it's almost 5 i have to be going home" he frowned as well "feel better" he said hugging me before walking out the door.

I got lonely so decided to look for my mama. "How was Jakob?" She asked as i stepped into the living room. "Good I just slept the whole time" I admitted. "Well that doesn't sound too bad" She laughed.

    "Mer wanted to go out to dinner tonight but if you don't wanna go we can stay home" she offered. "No it's fine I want to go" I said.

    I put on outer banks in boredom from the anticipation of my aunt mer coming home.

MY WAY - Amelias DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now