8. Fate

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    I was starting on my second piece of pizza when the door bell rang. Shit it has to be Jakob. "Hey Morgan" he said he looked upset "what's wrong?" I pried scared. What does this mean "Im so sorry" he said hugging me. "Jakob what?" I asked pulling away "just fucking say it please." "Morgan I can't do this" he shook his head "What? Do what? Jakob please" I questioned.

"I can't be with you Moe, Im not ready Im still hurt from Chloe" he said looking down. He can't even look in my eyes. "Jakob what the actual fuck is wrong with you why would you do this to me" I said pushing him away "Im sorry" he spoke "No fuck you you did this you started it we could of been just fine as friends. But no you had to do this!" I yelled "Morgan pleas-" he begged "No! Fuck you" I finished slamming the door.

    I fell to the floor back against the door. I sobbed into my hands. I just lost my best friend. "Oh baby" My mom said pulling me into her arms "It's okay baby girl" she said running hands through my hair. "Mommy I can't do this" I sobbed against her chest. "I know sweetheart I wish I could take this from you but you're gonna be okay theres other people" She rubbed my back. "I want Lexie" I bawled. "Okay my love I'll call her" she kissed my forehead.

    It's not that my mom wasn't enough. I love my mom more than anyone. I just need my aunt Lexie.

    My mom carried to my bed. "I'll be right back" she whispered "I'm going to call your Aunt Lexie and check on the kids" I nodded. I didn't want to be alone but I knew she couldn't leave the kids alone.

    After a while I heard the front door open and I could hear my aunt mer was home so that meant my mom would be back soon. The bedroom door opened "hey angel" my aunt Lexie smiled. "Lexie?" I asked "yes I'm here sweetie" she said getting into bed with me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Lexie asked running her hands through my hair and I nodded. "What happened?" She asked holding me. "Y-yesterday Jakob" I winced "he told me he loved me and he- he kissed me and now he's saying he doesn't want to be with me" I sobbed into my aunts chest.

    "Baby girl, he's stupid to do that to you, you know why?" She asked. I shook my head. "Because you're so caring and sweet and you're beautiful on the outside too" she said holding my face in her hands. I said nothing just kept crying. "You're always gonna be my special girl" she smiled wiping my tears "I love you so much angel" she kissed the top of my head. "I love you I needed you" I sobbed.

     "Of course my baby I'll always be there for you, if you need me call me, text me, come finds me, and time of day or night and reason you talk to me, you hear me?" She asked going back to cradling me, I nodded. "I love you" I softly said.

    I woke up probably half way through the night and Aunt Lexie was still here. She's really the only person i can count on to always be there.

    I guess she sensed I was awake "what's wrong sweetheart?" She asked groggily. Nothing just a bad dream. The dreams have been getting worse lately.

    Suddenly I remembered the cheer results should be posted now. I reached for my phone logged into Instagram to check.

    I was shocked at the sight and audibly gasped. "What?" Lex asked. "I made fucking varsity" I beamed. "Oh my gosh Moe!" She said just as excited "that's amazing!" She exclaimed "i know! I can't believe this" I smiled i turned my phone off and went back to laying on my Aunts chest.

    This was a rather surprising outcome to this horrible day and I can't believe it. Maybe the worlds not so bad after all

MY WAY - Amelias DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now