18. School

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    "All right Morgan smile!" My aunt Mer requested taking my photo. "First day of highschool huh?" My aunt Maggie recalled, "I still remember my first day, I hated highschool." "Please don't scare my child" My momma requested, "high schools fun Moe, it's your last chance to be a kid before it all gets real" My mom rubbed my shoulders. But if I'm honest that scared me more.

"I can drop her off with the rest Meils" Mer offered my mom. "I can do it" she confirmed. "But what about global warming my babies need the planet to last another 50 years!" Mer joked to get her way. "fine!" She agreed "I love you Morg have a great day" She held my cheeks kissing my forehead. "I love you too Mama" I hugged her.

We dropped off all the younger kids so it was just Mer and I now. "Look Em I know your not one for pep talks and I'm not trying to be cheesy. But looking back I wish someone would have said these things to me. High schools a lot for anyone and it's easy to get lost but I'm so proud of you and I see how hard you're trying and you're always going to be my special girl. My first baby" she spoke a couple tears dripping from her eyes:

    "Aww Mer are you crying?" I asked now shedding a few tears of my own. "Im sorry Morgs don't cry sweetheart" she rubbed my shoulder. "Im crying happy tears I love you so much" I said and she tucked my hair behind my ear. "You ready to go in?" She asked. "Mhm" I agreed giving her a hug. "Don't forget Lex is picking all of you up after school" She reminded. "All right have a good day Mer Mer"


    "Hey Morg!" Taisa greeted as we walked into the building together. "Hey T!" I smiled back. "Im so pissed we only have one class together this year, we been in all the same classes since kindergarten" She groaned. "Yes but atleast we still got out one" I reminded

"I guess" she reconsidered the fact this was about as good as we could get. "Are you going to Beccas party friday?" She asked and i felt a shift in my stomach. "No I promised my mom I'd help with the kids after the game while she's at work" I lied but theres no way I was going. I was barely making it with recovery.

    "Then just sneak out when you're done nobody will know" she plead. "Tay my aunt Mers still going to be there, Ill be there next time tho" i lied. "Okay Em" she accepted the defeat.


    I sat down in my first period English class. "Hello Class my name is Mrs. Kim I-" she was cut off by the door opening. "Sorry I'm late Mrs Kim" he sassed. "Why are you tardy?" She questioned harsh not liking his attitude.

    "Well I got lost Ma'am" he explained. "I guess I'll let it slide for the first day" she agreed. "Thank you!" He smirked. "Take a seat there" she pointed to the empty seat that happened to be next to me "yes ma'am" He obeyed.

"Hey princess you got a pen?" He smirked. "Not for you and my names Morgan" I rolled my eyes. "Please Morgan?" He begged. "No" i stated.

"No pen for me no this for you!" He negotiated taking my notes. "Hey!" I shouted trying to get it back. "Miss shepherd and Mr Shroyer do we have a problem!" Mrs Kim scolded.

"No I just needed a pen" The annoying boy sucked up. "Miss shepherd can you give mr Shroyer a pen?"The teacher requested. "Yes ma'am" I agreed in defeat.

    "Thank you Morgan" he smirked. "Oh fuck you" I scoffed. "Im Will by the way"

Aunt Lex 🤍🤍

Im at the back door xx

okay I'm coming


    "How was it?!" She asked waiting to hear about my day. "It was alright" I admitted. "Just alright?" She questioned. "Yes there is this stupid boy in my english class I can't stand him" I ranted.

    "Hmm I see" she nodded. "Let's just get back to the hospital I'm so over this day" I turned to stare out the window.


    "Oh my gosh I have had the longest freaking day!" I ranted to April in the ER. "High school not all you hoped it would be?" She questioned. "I don't know it's just this one boy he kept getting on my nerves" I revealed.

    "Hey Moe how was school?" Jo asked joining. "I was just talking about it" I groaned. "Oh so I guess it wasn't good?" She questioned. "Nope" I sighed. "It's about a guy" April added.

    Just then the doors to the ER flung open and there he was. "Oh my god that's the guy!" I exclaimed seeing him walking in with his family and an older man who appeared to be his father on the stretcher.

MY WAY - Amelias DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now