9. Surprise

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    In the morning I was shook awake. "Moe I'm so sorry but I have to go, but i'll see you at family dinner tonight" My aunt reminded me. Shit family dinner. I really didn't want to go but at least id get to see everyone I love.

I sat up and could hear my aunt and mom talking. "You're so lucky yours are still in the plastic bubble age" my mom laughed awkwardly. "I know Ame but you're doing the best you can" she spoke softly. "I know i'm just so scared shes going to get ruined like me" she sniffed, shit was she crying? "Amelia don't say that, you're not ruined your strong, do you hear me? You're the bravest woman and best mom I know don't discredit yourself" i can hear my mom crying and it breaks my heart because i feel like it's my fault. It's all my fault. "She's going to be like you because of all the amazing things so don't think about the ugly, but for real do I need to stay here for you guys" my aunt asked. "No i think Addies got it" she explained.

Addie? Like Aunt Addie? What is she talking about? There's something they know I don't.

My mom eventually re entered the room getting into bed with me while i pretended to be asleep. "Mom?" I asked pretending to wake up. "Go back to sleep baby" she wiped her tears "what's going on?" I asked. "Nothing" she said running her fingers through my hair. "Why are you talking about Aunt Addie?" I asked "I wasn't" she lied. My mother is a really bad liar. I'll just drop it for now i'll find out soon enough.

    Eventually i decided to take it upon myself to make the kids breakfast doubting my mom did it. "Hey babies did you eat yet?" I smiled going to look after the kids. "No" Zola smiled hugging me. "How do you guys feel about waffles and fruit salad?" I suggested. They seemed to like it so that's what I made.

    "Go sit at the table" I guided bailey and put Ellis in her chair. Shes gotten so big. "What Juice do you want Ellie belly?" I asked my niece "apple" she smiled. She literally the cutest thing ever. 

    Once the kids were fed i went to check on my mom. "mama?" I asked "shit how long was I out for?" She said rubbing her eyes "you're fine you can sleep I got it" I tried to reassure her, I can tell she's hurting, and I know why.

    "I believe you have it but i'm just going to go to the couch I feel guilty just leaving you" She sighed getting up "okay mama let me know if you need anything" I said hugging her. "Just one thing" she paused "get the door if anyone comes" she said and i nodded. Im getting awful suspicious what's going on

"Okay babies get on your shoes we're going to go to the park" I smiled handing Ellis hers while the other two raced to grab their own.

I grabbed ellises hand and looked up and was shocked. "ADDIE?" I yelled wrapping my arms around the red head "surprise baby" she laughed. "I was just about to take the kids to the park if you want to come?" I suggested "oh id love to if you'd just let me check on your mom first we could go to a good park if i'm driving" she was right the park here was barely a park and i think the kids are getting bored of it.

    I'm starting to get pretty worried about my mom like i don't know if she's going to be okay.

Auntie lexie 😇🤍:

How are you sweet girl?

I'm doing better haha I miss you
so much though

Did you plan Auntie Addie coming?

Yeah I just felt bad I couldn't stay with you
guys because I had to work and I was woreied
and we were texting abt stuff and she just offered
and insisted she was coming

You know her lol

Yes I do that sounds abt right haha

Okay Moe ill see you at 
dinner keep eye on your mom i love
you baby xx

I love you too see you tonight


    Growing up you want to be just like your mother but you never realize how much of a nightmare that can be

MY WAY - Amelias DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now