12. Salvation

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Newly abandoned I made it my new mission to find April. I haven't chatted with her in a while.

    "Aprilll" I smiled walking into the ER. "Morgan! How did you even get here" she questioned. "Lexie" I replied "I see" she nodded. Aprils really good at keeping secrets so she's probably the only other person I can talk to.

"Listen though things aren't going very good right now" I admitted. "Do you want to go chat in my car? I can have Warren cover the ER" she suggested "yeah that would be great, are you sure that's okay" i asked "of course, Warren come here" she called. "I'm going out for a bit you're going to cover, you're welcome" she smiled.

"So what's up?" She asked closing her door. "Promise me you won't get mad because trust me you can't be anymore mad at me then I already am at myself" I plead. "Of course it stays with me and I won't judge, no matter what, pinky promise?" She suggested. "Pinky promise" I agreed interlocking with her.

"So basically it all started a couple months ago and I just can't stop" I explained "can't stop what?" She asked confused. "You can't be mad" I replead. "I won't I already told you that" She swore.

    "It all started with weed one time I told myself I'd never do it again but I just kept getting pressured into it and eventually the drugs started getting harder and I started taking pills and it became a once a week thing and soon I kept doing it every night before bed and it just kept growing"

    "Morgan I'm so sorry, but were all with you" She said rubbing my back "and my mom can't know" I continued "I understand how is she though I know she took a leave of absence" April wondered. "She's not doing very good and this would break her so Lexie took me to her house for the week" I explained.

    "That really sucks i'm so sorry Moe, you've had a life times worth of hurt but you are so strong your going to get through this like you have with everything before, you know I'm always here and I love you so much, forever and always" she hugged me. "I love you too Apes thank you for everything" I said into her shoulder.

We kept chatting for a few minutes and decided it was time she heads back. "I wish we could talk more Moe we need to do something soon" she suggested. "Yes for sure as soon as i get my shit together " I joked "yes I'll see you around morgan" she waved.


Aunt Lexie 🤍🤍: I'm about done with this surgery I'm closing now so after I will come talk to you. Meet in the lounge? xx

Me: yes Ill head their now


Jakob: Im sorry Morgan can we please talk?

2 missed calls from jakob


    "Hey Morg are you still doing okay" my aunt asked entering the room. I nodded "I'm just tired"  "I know sweetie I'm sorry" she said "do you want me to start you an IV it might help?" She offered "what do you think I should do?" I asked "honestly the IV can't do any harm so you might as well do i" she explained "then that's what I'll do" I said. "Okay Ill go get a kit I'll be back"

"So Lexie what are we going to tell my mom the reason I left is?" I asked concerned. "Addie was going to tell her that it was for her to be able to get better and get some help and for you to destress yourself" Lex spoke "hm" I hummed in response.

"Do you want me to count down" she offered "no just do it" I answered wincing when she pierced my skin with the needles. "I'm so sorry baby I know it hurts" she empathized. Ive always been afraid of needles and she knows that so she always tries to make me feel better. This is why I had her take me to get my school shots instead of my mom.

"It's fine I'm fine" I said tryinf to control yourself "I know she said hanging the bag on the pole and going to connect the ends together.

"Marks about to go home so he could take you if you'd like" Lexie offered "can he actually?" I asked "yeah as long as he's supervising you, you can go back home" she explained. "Okay thank you I'll see you at home then?" I asked "yes probably around five if all goes as planned" she confirmed "then I'll see you then"

MY WAY - Amelias DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now