15. Therapy

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"How is she?" I heard my aunt Lexie ask as she entered the room. I must have fell asleep. "Really good" Mere replied.

"How were Coop and Mark?" Mer asked. "Coopers running a fever but Mark has it" Lexie tried to play it off but it's clear she was bothered by it. "Lex you can go I have her" Mer tried relieve her. "It's fine Mark has it" she choked it up.

    "Lex go be with your baby. Morgans my baby right now and she's a lot better. Plus you need to work tomorrow, I don't and I have it. Go take care of Coop" Mer relieved her. "Alright Mere I'll see you later" she said going to exit again. "Ill tell her where you went and she'll see you at dinner tomorrow"


"Wake up Sweetheart" Mer smiled shaking me. "Why? What's going on?" I questioned. "Were going to go see someone" she answered. "Oh alright" I sat up.

The drive was slow and I had an idea of where we were going but I wasn't sure.

"Do you know where we're going?" Mere asked softly. "I think so" I replied carefully. "I'm glad you decided you needed to go Moe I'm proud of you" she recognized.


We sat in the office waiting room for probably 10 minutes filling out paperwork. "Morgan Shepherd?" A lady holding a clip board called. "You okay to go?" Mer asked. I nodded. "Okay sweetheart I'll be right here waiting" she hugged me.

"Hi Morgan, how are you today?" The woman with the clipboard asked. "Eh I don't know, okay i guess?" I replied looking down. "It looks like you're seeing Dr. Carr today, have you done therapy before?" She asked. "Yeah like a couple years ago after my uncle Derek died" I revealed. "Oh," she paused "I'm sorry for your loss."

We walked down this long hallway until we made it to the specific room. The woman knocked on the door. "Come in!" A voice from inside replied.

"This is Morgan shepherd" the woman with the clipboard explained before heading out. "Hi Morgan, I'm Doctor Carr" she confirmed offering out her hand.

"How are you feeling about starting therapy?" She asked. "I'm feeling pretty good, I just want everything to be over so I can talk to my mom again" I explained. "What do you mean by that?" She wondered.

"My mom has bad drug issues ever since she was in highschool and she relapsed after med school right after she had me, and she's a good freaking mom she gave me everything she got clean for me when I was five years old I owe her everything she's my best friend, but she's been getting bad again so my aunt's decided to keep up separated so we don't feed into each other getting worse or something" I revealed. I don't think Ive ever told anyone that before.

"Oh I see" she paused, "have you had any ideas for when you're going to tell her?" "Yeah I was waiting until she got better and it seems she is and I wanted to be able to say I was clean first" I recalled.

"Do you have any activities you participate in outside of school?" She asked. "Yeah I cheer, Ive cheered since I moved to Seattle actually. I even made varsity this year" I smiled. I worked so damn hard for that. "Varsity as a freshman?! That's quite an accomplishment, congratulations!" She smiled as well.

We kept talking for the rest of the hour just little get to know you things. "Alright Morgan I have you down for another appointment Wednesday at four o clocks, so I'll see you then" She closed. "Alright I'll see you."


"You ready?" Mer asked. I nodded once again. "I told your Aunt Addie id take you back to school clothes shopping, figured it was better till after orientation to get supplies" Mer elaborated. "Can we go to target?" I requested. "Sure!" Mer agreed, "but we're getting Starbucks first."


Mer and I picked out a couple outfits and I got a pair of shoes and we called it a day. "So what are we thinking for dinner tonight?" Mer searched for ideas. "I don't know, we should ask Maggie she'd probably cook it because no offense your cooking is a little shady" I joked.

"Hey! But I was thinking we should go out tonight, it would be nice for everyone to get out of the house, it's been feeling a little cramped and I think everyone could use it" Mer suggested. "Oh yeah that sounds like fun!" I agreed.


I was sitting in my bed when someone knocked on my door. "Come in" I answered. "Can we talk?" Aunt Addie came in trying to force a smile. "Yeah" i smiled back creating space.

"Look Em I'm sorry for the way Ive been acting since i got here, I really have no excuse and I got caught up in everything and I was stressed out and I never should have yelled at you, and im so SO sorry for how I made you feel i just want what's best for you" she cried.

    "It's okay I know, I love you" I hugged her. "I love you so much moe" She squeezed tight.

MY WAY - Amelias DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now